Paperback-iOS / app

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[REQUEST] Cache bookmarks images and info locally #482

Open XenitXTD opened 2 years ago

XenitXTD commented 2 years ago

Description A clear description of the feature Cache or option to enable of caching locally

How would it improve the App? How would the feature improve the app? When on low speed connections or offline even for downloaded items we would still see cover arts for our library items

Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Currently it seems that images and manga info is being retrieved in the app and not cached, easily seen by disabling the internet and opening the app and all images are not visible

This makes a bad experience. There are times you view a library for whatever reason on no connection eg to show a friend a new manga but without images you have to remember the name etc and having cached info for bookmarked items would be ideal

apiweb commented 2 years ago

I agree, Caching the cover image is a huge update. Sometimes the source is not working, or I'm offline, and the covers aren't shown, this brings a terrible experience. I think caching the cover image can resolve this.

chancez commented 2 years ago

In addition to the covers, etc, it seems that when offline (airplane mode) when viewing downloaded manga, the chapter list isn’t visible either.

FaizanDurrani commented 2 years ago

In addition to the covers, etc, it seems that when offline (airplane mode) when viewing downloaded manga, the chapter list isn’t visible either.

This will be fixed in the next update, feel free to open another issue