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[FEATURE REQUEST] Import Komga .cbl read lists a la ComicRack or DieselTech #830

Open stagetoscreen opened 6 months ago

stagetoscreen commented 6 months ago

Preflight Checklist

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Describe the feature

Sites like DieselTech and the now-defunct ComicRack provide read lists, importable .cbl files that create "playlists" of issues across multiple titles and timelines. Anyone reading Marvel or DC or even some of the larger indie houses knows that storylines have bounced between titles for decades, which is tricky to navigate in Paperback.

Since Paperback is a Komga client, the ability to import read lists is likely buried in the source file somewhere. Is there any way this could be implemented for future releases?

Feature Motivation

Allows readers (particularly those of Western comics) to track interlocking storylines or follow characters from title to title more efficiently.

Anything Else?

For reference, here is the DieselTech CBL Reading List hub, currently one of the most updated read list programs.