Paperback-iOS / app

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[FEATURE REQUEST] Search in individual folders #833

Open swimmingrose opened 6 months ago

swimmingrose commented 6 months ago

Preflight Checklist

What type of Apple device is the feature request for?

iPhone, iPad, Mac computer

Describe the feature

Ability to search in search in individual folders

You could long press the folder you want to see, which could then let you search it individually, instead of all folders at once. Could also implement a collapse option instead, where search only searches uncollapsed folders.

Feature Motivation

In 0.8 when you search it searches all folders, which is slower with bigger libraries especially if you have a lot of folders.

You have to scroll down to find what you’re looking for instead of it just being at the top & scroll through all the empty folders, instead of just seeing the one search result.

You also can no longer search by source in individual folders, just by source in entire library. Bringing back searching by source in individual folders makes it easier to find things.

Anything Else?

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