PapirusDevelopmentTeam / materia-kde

Materia KDE customization
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Super bold window frame when using 175% global scaling #127

Open adam900710 opened 2 years ago

adam900710 commented 2 years ago

When "Window decoration" theme is changed to any Materia theme, and with global scaling other than 100%, it will result super bold window frame, definitely way larger than the scaled result.

Default Oxygen has no such problem.


varlesh commented 2 years ago

Try set without borders on Window border size

adam900710 commented 2 years ago

No border is too aggressive then.

The problem is, this only happens in materia-kde theme. Not only the default oxygen, but other themes like arc-kde has no such problem at all.

Thus I guess it's something can be fixed in materia-kde.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

What you mean No border is too aggressive then.?

varlesh commented 2 years ago

you can show screenshot with no borders option?

adam900710 commented 2 years ago

Oh, I thought you're recommending "no border" as a workaround.

And here is the screenshot of the no border result:


Surprisingly, not much different.

BTW, the problem only happens for fractional global scale. When scaled to 200%, the problem seems gone.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Your issue specific... but you can play with borders size... Open Materia-Darkrc and replace Layout section:


restart kwin: killall kwin_x11 ALT+F2 > kwin_x11

adam900710 commented 2 years ago

My issue is already explained in the subject, the border of materia-kde theme is unnormally large!

Just try set your kde global scale to 175%/125% and try it.

Here is a side by side comparison, the left is Materia-light window decoration, while the right is Arc-light: (I choose light to provide more contrast)


No matter what the border size I choose, the materia-kde one is still that huge. Even when I selected "no border", the border is still way larger than default border size of Arc-light.

And I have already said, if the global scale is changed from 175% to 200%, the border problem is gone.

So, this is definitely something wrong inside materia-kde theme for its window decoration.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

please read my previous comment

adam900710 commented 2 years ago

I know you can modify the rc (even without the need to restart kwin, just switch to another window decoration theme, and back to materia-*).

But then it doesn't explain why the problem only happens under fractional scale (175% has the problem, 200% gone).

varlesh commented 2 years ago

how rendered 150% for you?

adam900710 commented 2 years ago

Not any better: side_by_side_150

Can only get normal result from 100% and 200% scale.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

I cannot figure out how it works. In any case, there is one pixel left around the border of the windows.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

And it will be difficult to describe as a KWin bug.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

See, PaddingLeft, PaddingRight and PaddingBottom - it's shadows. On Materia Dark it's 30px, 30px and 62px... It's now present on rc-file...and woked fine, but not on scale 125%-175%. If i'm change PaddingLeft, PaddingRight and PaddingBottom to 28px, 28px and 60px and BorderBottom, BorderLeft and BorderRight to 1px - i'm have offset issue: image ~After this i'm set:~ ~PaddingLeft, PaddingRight and PaddingBottom to 29px, 29px and 61px with 1px border size i'm have this:~ image ~Ok, set border size to 0px with previous config and now we have....... 1px border:~ image UPD: Need reloging on system

varlesh commented 2 years ago

@davidedmundson @aleixpol you should take a look at this

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Now we can't set No Borders with aurorae theme

davidedmundson commented 2 years ago

Please include a kwin version, X11 or wayland and output of xrdb -q

varlesh commented 2 years ago

It does not matter. I'm use KDE NEON with KWin 5.22.5 and X11 1.20.11

varlesh commented 2 years ago

As you already seen, Aurorae cannot remove window borders and always leaves one pixel for this and ignore the rc-file settings

adam900710 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, Kwin version doesn't matter that much, the behavior has been observable for several major releases.

Anyway, my setup is:

varlesh commented 2 years ago

~1px - it's limit size on boder and i can't work around this on Aurorae theme~ UPD: Need reloging on system

varlesh commented 2 years ago

It breaks your whole concept - No borders

varlesh commented 2 years ago

@adam900710 It's not aurorae theme bug. And Arc-KDE borders lesser because have padding 10px (shadows), but on Materia it's 30px. Therefore, as it seems to you. Also, you know this worked fine with 100% and 200% scale. It's KWin bug, Aurorae themes not right worked with not round values scale - 125%, 150%, 175%, 225% and etc... But it's fine on Breeze and Oxygen (it's not Aurorae theme, it's another engine).

varlesh commented 2 years ago

adam900710 commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot.

BTW, can we follow the similar padding of Arc theme to workaround the problem for now? Personally I really like Materia than Arc, thus really hopes it can work properly.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Need redraw and reduce shadows... but i'm not want doing this, i spent a lot of time aligning with the GTK theme. I think, better temporary solution for you - use Breeze decoration

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Funnily enough, in the Wayland session, Aurorae also has scaling issues. Unsurprisingly, this is a very old engine that was first released 12 years ago.

adam900710 commented 2 years ago

Fair enough, would use something like Arc for systems with fractional scale as a workaround for now.

adam900710 commented 2 years ago

BTW, just notice that breeze would adapt its color theme with plasma scheme.

It blends into the Material theme pretty well, now no need to use Arc at all.

nekohasekai commented 1 year ago

It also exists on my 2560/1600 device with 150% zoom. By the way, there is no problem under wayland.

demfabris commented 1 year ago

Also experiencing this. This is not the only theme to have chunky borders with fractional scaling