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Materia KDE customization
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The screen locker is broken on Plasma 5.25.2 after latest update #142

Closed Dkoeddnsnp closed 2 years ago

Dkoeddnsnp commented 2 years ago

After latest upgrade from git I sometimes while trying to unlock my system on Plasma 5.25, I have a message "The screen locker is broken...". Screenshot_20220630_202510

The isssue is gone after downgrading the materia-kde git pacckage to materia-kde 20220607-1 from repos.

The output for /usr/lib64/kscreenlocker_greet --testing gives me: file:///usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel/com.github.varlesh.materia-dark/contents/components/VirtualKeyboard.qml:22:1: Type InputPanel unavailable qrc:/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/content/InputPanel.qml:127:5: Type Keyboard unavailable qrc:/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/content/components/Keyboard.qml:38:1: module "QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard.Plugins" is not installed Locked at 1656610484 file:///usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel/com.github.varlesh.materia-dark/contents/lockscreen/PanelUI.qml:140: TypeError: Cannot read property 'shortName' of undefined qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()

The output with downgraded version: Locked at 1656610722 file:///usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel/org.kde.breeze.desktop/contents/components/UserList.qml:43:9: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Hm... I'm not seen critical messages on your logs. VirtualKeyboard disabled (on Materia) very long time ago.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'shortName'

It's Keyboard indicator from plasma.workspace.components 2.0

I'm use KDE Neon with plasma 5.25.1 X11 and all worked fine: image

varlesh commented 2 years ago

They change api again? What are they doing, do you understand?

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Now i'm upgrade to 5.25.2 and not seen errors: image

Maybe it's Wayland bug? You try X11?

Dkoeddnsnp commented 2 years ago

This issue is not 100% reproducible. It happens in 10-20 locked screens. I will try x11.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

KDE developers have started some kind of mania to break everything and rewrite the api, almost every month. A similar situation is now observed with my Compact Shutdown widget. Thank God I didn't use the Plasma api for SDDM, because I had a lot of problems and errors right now.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

It's very strange why version 20220607 worked for you. It's impossible with new Plasma version, because API very serious changed and more functions deprecated: For example, function onGraceLockedChanged() now used as fallback (but from KScreenLocker only), and "X-Plasma-APIVersion": "2" - without this option loaded legacy API, but functions not worked...

See this test with 20220607 version: image It's not Materia - it's fallback KScreenLocker theme

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Please note that the same keyboard layout error is present in the logs

varlesh commented 2 years ago

I'm added Wayland Keyboard, maybe it's solved this problem? Please try it:

Dkoeddnsnp commented 2 years ago

Yes, when downgraded the kscreenlocker uses a fallback theme, which works without any issues for me under Wayland session.

I'm added Wayland Keyboard, maybe it's solved this problem? Please try it:

I will try and test this.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

maybe need delete cache: rm -rf ~/.cache/plasm*

Dkoeddnsnp commented 2 years ago

I tested your proposed version, downgraded fallback theme and stock breeze, and they all have this issue under Wayland. The broken lock screen happens (almost with 100% probability) after pressing some fast random combination of keys (Alt + Shift + Win + Ctrl). It does not occur under X11. So, it is not related to Materia KDE.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your thorough research. I think this is the problem of integrating Wayland into Plasma. But I'm not good at such complicated things :)