PapirusDevelopmentTeam / papirus-folders

a script that lets you change the colors of folders in Papirus icon theme
MIT License
600 stars 32 forks source link

Cannot change colour in a immutable system #35

Closed sith-on-mars closed 1 year ago

sith-on-mars commented 1 year ago

I'm using OpenSUSE MicroOS Gnome, an immutable system that prevents you from editing root files. I installed both the icon theme and folder from OpenSUSE's official repo. Here is the output when I tries to change the folder colour:

papirus-folders: Changing color of folders to 'brown' for 'Papirus-Dark' ...
ln: failed to create symbolic link '/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/22x22/places/folder-activities.svg': Read-only file system
papirus-folders: Error: Fail to create '/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Dark/22x22/places/folder-activities.svg' symlink

Would there be any workaround? Cheers!

SmartFinn commented 1 year ago

Just install Papirus icon theme to HOME directory:

wget -qO- | DESTDIR="$HOME/.icons" sh

and then run again papirus-folders -C brown -vu.