PapirusDevelopmentTeam / papirus-icon-theme

Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing monochrome icons #127

Closed beruic closed 7 years ago

beruic commented 7 years ago

The following icons are not monochrome in the notification area:

varlesh commented 7 years ago

What OS you use?

beruic commented 7 years ago

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

varlesh commented 7 years ago

Install patched sni-qt and hardcode-tray:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:varlesh-l/ubuntu-tools
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --reinstall sni-qt sni-qt:i386 hardcode-tray

run hardcode-tray on Termianl:

hardcode-tray -s 22
varlesh commented 7 years ago

sni-qt:i386 - you can not install it - it's package need for 32-bit apps, for example skype (old version) and etc

varlesh commented 7 years ago

It's my ppa, i'm build pakages for Xenial with patched sni-qt and hardcode-tray (also availiable some fresh stable apps): More info for hardcode-tray here:

beruic commented 7 years ago

So i should basically just follow your instructions from the comment above?

I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused because your next comment indicates that it wont work.

Should I just leave out the package sni-qt:i386, and do the install?

varlesh commented 7 years ago

If you not use skype (old version) sni-qt:i386 not needed.

varlesh commented 7 years ago

sudo apt install --reinstall sni-qt hardcode-tray

varlesh commented 7 years ago

Old skype (version 4) have only 32-bit version and for fix hardcode-tray need patched sni-qt:i386 package. New skypeforlinux use electron and working without sni-qt:i386. It's all! :)

varlesh commented 7 years ago

After installing open Terminal and run: hardcode-tray -s 22

varlesh commented 7 years ago

before: image after: image

beruic commented 7 years ago

Cool. Thanks :)

varlesh commented 7 years ago

Hardcode-Tray supported Numix and Papirus icon themes

beruic commented 7 years ago

I chosed to use ppa:varlesh-l/hardcode-tray instead, because ppa:varlesh-l/ubuntu-tools has a version of arc-theme that superseedes the version of the package I have from (btw your version has an install size which is more than double).

beruic commented 7 years ago

It works for Google Chrome, but not for the following:

Also, it doesn't seem to do any difference for Dropbox.

I'm using Papirus from your own PPA.

beruic commented 7 years ago

It doesn't seem to find Skype for Linux Alpha at all in the script. UPDATE: Sorry, I jumped the gun. It works on Skype for Linux Alpha.

varlesh commented 7 years ago

Good, it fresh PPA with only hardcode-tray and patched sni-qt. My arc-theme old, but fixed with hightlight selection on Nautilus, because on Ubuntu 16.04 use old Nautilus (selection wrong work from original repository arc-theme)

beruic commented 7 years ago

Regarding the arc-theme from original repository: I see no issues in Nautilus. Can you refer to a video or images showing the problem?

varlesh commented 7 years ago

It doesn't seem to find Skype for Linux Alpha at all.

hardcode-tray -s 22 -o skypeforlinux You can find names and path install here:

beruic commented 7 years ago

Yeah. I jumped the gun. updated my comment above :)

varlesh commented 7 years ago

Regarding the arc-theme from original repository: I see no issues in Nautilus. Can you refer to a video or images showing the problem?

It's fixed, but package make for new Nautilus

varlesh commented 7 years ago

For TeamViewer i think need install patched sni-qt:i386 package, because worked on wine and have 32-bit version...

varlesh commented 7 years ago

It works for Google Chrome, but not for the following:

  • Guake Indicator
  • CopyQ
  • TeamViewer
  • The Google Chrome Hangouts extension indicator icon

For some apps need add absolute path. For example, Telegram fix icons: hardcode-tray --only telegram --path ~/.local/share/TelegramDesktop/tdata/ticons/

If it's not worked for you - report bug on Hardcode-Tray:

varlesh commented 7 years ago

@beruic qopyq added

beruic commented 7 years ago

Cool. Looking forward to the update with copyq. I do not use TeamViewer much, so I decided that it was not worth it installing the extra 54 MB of packages for that single purpose :)

Oh, and I cannot reproduce the Nautilus bug. It seems it's fixed in the original repository :)

varlesh commented 7 years ago

Oh, and I cannot reproduce the Nautilus bug. It seems it's fixed in the original repository :)

Ok, it was previously, package old. Thx for info

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

@beruic Google Chrome's hangout extension is not themable take a look here to see why

beruic commented 7 years ago

@bil-elmoussaoui Yeah, I figured that out earlier :)