PapirusDevelopmentTeam / papirus-icon-theme

Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Icon request] I made some icons for yall (quake related) #3639

Closed lavenderdotpet closed 5 months ago

lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago

application-x-map for .map files was mainly made for trenchbroom a quake map editor but any thing other games that use .map for the maps this icon should work well enough (example halo2)

application-x-bsp for .bsp files the compiled map format quake uses so this one is just for quake related file

application-x-quake a document icon for quake related documents i use it for .dems the quake demo file type which is used for recording a video of sorts in the quake engine

application-config .config .conf .cfg a general icon for any file that uses one of these extensions quake uses .cfg for its configs so wanted to make an icon for it

application-x-plasticity .plasticity this one is for the plasticity cad software


SmartFinn commented 5 months ago

Looks nice. Could you draw icons for other sizes and create PR?

To find the icon names for mimetype run for each filetype:

gio info -a standard::icon PATH/to/file.ext
lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago

oh didnt know icons were dif at dif sizes

lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago

likely going to be a while till i get to it if i ever dont have the energy often

SmartFinn commented 5 months ago


likely going to be a while till i get to it if i ever dont have the energy often

In this case, post the output of this command for each type of file to get the icon names:

gio info -a standard::icon PATH/to/file.ext

Because this issue doesn't look like an icon request.

lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago

attributes: standard::icon: /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-bsp.svg, application-x-quake-bsp, application-x-generic, /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-bsp.svg-symbolic, application-x-quake-bsp-symbolic, application-x-generic-symbolic

attributes: standard::icon: /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-map.svg, text-x-quakemap, text-x-generic, /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-map.svg-symbolic, text-x-quakemap-symbolic, text-x-generic-symbolic attributes: standard::icon: /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-config.svg, application-cfg-config, application-x-generic, /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-config.svg-symbolic, application-cfg-config-symbolic, application-x-generic-symbolic

attributes: standard::icon: /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-quake.svg, application-x-kdeuser2, application-x-generic, /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-quake.svg-symbolic, application-x-kdeuser2-symbolic, application-x-generic-symbolic

attributes: standard::icon: /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-plasticity.svg, application-x-kdeuser1, application-x-generic, /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-plasticity.svg-symbolic, application-x-kdeuser1-symbolic, application-x-generic-symbolic

lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago


also i had forgot to send one for quake texture wads files attributes: standard::icon: /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-wad.svg, application-x-doom-wad, package-x-generic, /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-wad.svg-symbolic, application-x-doom-wad-symbolic, package-x-generic-symbolic

SmartFinn commented 5 months ago

Seems, these filetypes are exists only on your system:

The others have valid icon names:

lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago

sorry yeah i had set up associations of the file icons i made i dont fully understand the icon system on linux

lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago

yeah application-x-quake is just a generic icon i made for quake files that i ended up using for .dem aka demo file so maybe application-x-dem

application-cfg-config should probably be text-x-config since they r text files

and since doom and quake wads are different format it probably should be application-x-quake-wad

lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago

application-x-plasticity with plasticity being a very new program it makes sense that there wouldnt be one

lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago

i think im not fully understanding give me a sec

SmartFinn commented 5 months ago

i dont fully understand the icon system on linux

This's not as hard as you think. There is a common MIME types database shared-mime-info that contains magic strings to detect filetypes, mimetypes, and icon names.

To search by this database, we use the following command:

wget -qO- | less

Third-party programs can register their own mimetype by placing xml files to /usr/share/mime/ ($XGD_DATA_DIRS/mime).

If mimetype is missing in shared-mime-info and there is no app that register it, we don't add icon for it.

lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago

Seems, these filetypes are exists only on your system:

* `attributes: standard::icon: /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-quake.svg, application-x-kdeuser2, application-x-generic, /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-quake.svg-symbolic, application-x-kdeuser2-symbolic, application-x-generic-symbolic`

* `attributes: standard::icon: /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-plasticity.svg, application-x-kdeuser1, application-x-generic, /home/lavender/Bin/fileicons/application-x-plasticity.svg-symbolic, application-x-kdeuser1-symbolic, application-x-generic-symbolic`

The others have valid icon names:

* `application-x-quake-bsp`

* `text-x-quakemap`

* `application-cfg-config`

* `application-x-doom-wad`

image these 3 shouldnt be in the offical data base since i added them manually

plasticity isnt actually set up on my system currently so thats why it prob doesnt look correct and the other one im not sure

lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago

i dont fully understand the icon system on linux

This's not as hard as you think. There is a common MIME types database shared-mime-info that contains magic strings to detect filetypes, mimetypes, and icon names.

To search by this database, we use the following command:

wget -qO- | less

Third-party programs can register their own mimetype by placing xml files to /usr/share/mime/ ($XGD_DATA_DIRS/mime).

If mimetype is missing in shared-mime-info and there is no app that register it, we don't add icon for it.

ah i see so yall wouldnt add any of these icons

lavenderdotpet commented 5 months ago

o well