PapirusDevelopmentTeam / papirus-icon-theme

Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux
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Adapt Papirus to KDE Plasma 6 #3663

Open lhy7889678 opened 3 months ago

lhy7889678 commented 3 months ago

KDE Plasma 6 seems to have changed the names of some icons used in the system tray / system settings / etc. As a result, these icons will fall back to the default Breeze icon theme, even though Papirus has adequate icons (with different names) for them.

Here is a list of icons that I have noticed so far:

(everything above could also have their counterparts without "-symbolic")

Note that this is not an exhaustive list. Maybe we can refer to the new Breeze icon theme repository to find what's not included in Papirus.

Bingo90 commented 3 months ago

The removable devices tray icon also shows a colored version, not a monochrome version - not sure this is intended grafik

stengun commented 3 months ago

Relevant post from Nate:

d-avery commented 3 months ago

I was about to make this same issue! Papirus is my favorite icon pack. Looking forward to using it with Plasma 6!

monstorix commented 3 months ago

Panel related adaptions was once mentioned by #3595.

archisman-panigrahi commented 3 months ago

Plasma 5 Screenshot_20240307_225216b Plasma 6 (please ignore the annotation around the battery. Also the power icon changing to Plasma icon is a bug with that applet, it is not a Plasma issue.) Screenshot_20240308_113036

dmaliog commented 3 months ago

I support we are waiting for Plasma 6! Papirus is the best set!

morganist commented 3 months ago

do we make the symbolic klipper icon to be a generic metal clip icon ( clipboard ) used for clipman in xfce, for example? or perhaps a better solution would be to draw a new icon that would be more similar to the one breeze icon theme uses? ( klipper-symbolic ) also, we have a few klipper icons in various old plasma themes. those could be used too.

morganist commented 3 months ago

Okay guys, I don't think it is possible to have a solution right now. KDE colour scheme icons currently only have sizes up to 24px in Papirus, but the ones that were previously used inside the Plasma themes need to have 32px and 22px sizes. There's no place for symbolic 32px icons at the moment. And even after figuring out where to put them, the necessary scripts for preparing and converting the icons need to be modified. I managed to assemble a quick-and-dirty solution, but I think it is better not to merge it. We need restructuring. I guess I can finally understand what @SmartFinn meant by his harsh reaction to this change in Plasma 6.

morganist commented 3 months ago

I could even start adding some necessary 32px symbolic icons myself, perhaps in the apps folder or in a new folder somewhere, but I'm not experienced in the project structure and script writing, so I'll be waiting for Serhii to say his word.

monstorix commented 3 months ago

I could even start adding some necessary 32px symbolic icons myself, perhaps in the apps folder or in a new folder somewhere

It looks like KDE has done something similar to Breeze Icons 6. In one of Nate Graham's blog posts he said that Plasma 6 will adapt to the way GNOME uses the -symbolic suffix, which may mean that icon makers can put the symbolic icons in all sizes, alongside the coloured ones.

morganist commented 3 months ago

which may mean that icon makers can put the symbolic icons in all sizes, alongside the coloured ones.

@monstorix we could, but as I've said we need some non-trivial restructuring. The situation is dire because symbolic icons which are used in GNOME don't adapt their colour, but the icons with the KDE colourscheme support do. And now they are mixed up. I haven't given it much thought, but it seems like another challenge.

SmartFinn commented 3 months ago

Sorry, I don't have enough time to install KDE on my laptop to see the changes. I suppose that @monstorix @morganist is right, this is required some major changes to Papirus icon theme. KDE may need 22px, and 24px symbolic icons, that we don't support now.

I wrote a script that converts 16px icons into 22px, and 24px, sometime ago. So it shouldn't be a problem. However, we should find the right icon theme structure at first. Another way is creating a fork for Plasma 6.

monstorix commented 3 months ago

Another thing that may affect the works: KDE VDG team is currently in the process of fully migrating (redrawing) the 22px Breeze icons to 24px, for better cross-compatibility with GTK size. Which may imply that Plasma will finally settle with 24px for standard monochrome/symbolic icons instead of 22px in current 6.0 version.

SmartFinn commented 3 months ago

Honestly, I can't remember any place in GTK where 24px icons are used. GNOME uses 16px in menus, buttons, panel, sidebars, and toolbars. 22px is using for appindicators and tray.

monstorix commented 3 months ago

Well, the GTK compatibility saying is also from Nate. It might not pointed to any specific DEs.

Bingo90 commented 3 months ago

Couldn't we just use the icons from the Materia theme? They seem to fit quite well!

morganist commented 3 months ago

Couldn't we just use the icons from the Materia theme? They seem to fit quite well!

The problem is, every icon in materia plasma 5 theme (in all of them, really) has both 32px and 22px shapes inside the file: small icons are used for the panel and the bigger ones appear when you open the systray widget. Papirus has no place for these 32px symbolic icons yet, that's why it's not so simple.

Bingo90 commented 3 months ago

Couldn't we just use the icons from the Materia theme? They seem to fit quite well! The problem is, every icon in materia plasma 5 theme (in all of them, really) has both 32px and 22px shapes inside the file: small icons are used for the panel and the bigger ones appear when you open the systray widget. Papirus has no place for these 32px symbolic icons yet, that's why it's not so simple.

We'd have to do a lot of it manually, I guess, but for icons that we don't have in Papirus, we could just extract the 22px versions and put them in a separate SVG

morganist commented 3 months ago

We'd have to do a lot of it manually, I guess, but for icons that we don't have in Papirus, we could just extract the 22px versions and put them in a separate SVG

That's what i did locally before realising that we need restructuring. I've used plasma theme with materia icons myself.

morganist commented 3 months ago

Honestly, I can't remember any place in GTK where 24px icons are used. GNOME uses 16px in menus, buttons, panel, sidebars, and toolbars. 22px is using for appindicators and tray.

@SmartFinn if understand correctly, the KDE developers are talking about compatibility in a broader context — 22px icons aren't present in GTK at all, are they? That's why they want to get rid of them. As for the 24px icons, I actually wasn't able to find if they are used in any of my installed applications, but they are still in the specification and they are used if the app developer chooses to use them, right?

SmartFinn commented 3 months ago


As for the 24px icons, I actually wasn't able to find if they are used in any of my installed applications, but they are still in the specification and they are used if the app developer chooses to use them, right?

The 24px actions icons are often using in GTK-based DE, such as Xfce, in toolbars. However, we're talking about symbolic icons that are mostly 16px. 24px symbolic icons are using in elementaryOS, and in Xfce 4 in few places.

SmartFinn commented 3 months ago


Papirus has no place for these 32px symbolic icons yet, that's why it's not so simple.

16px symbolic icons are perfectly scaled to 32px. Rules in index.theme file allow it.

morganist commented 3 months ago

16px symbolic icons are perfectly scaled to 32px. Rules in index.theme file allow it.

@SmartFinn Neat, but there's an issue: all of them need to be adapted, because the icons in the symbolic directory lack KDE colour scheme support. For example, there's a pending merge request with symlinks for power profiles in symbolic directiry, but I've tried it and the icons have a different colour on a panel compared to the icons from the panel directory

SmartFinn commented 3 months ago

@morganist could you try to add these icons without -symbolic suffix. Maybe it's the right way to add Plasma 6 support to Papirus. Like @hexchain did it in

hrqmonteiro commented 2 months ago

WHen will this be fixed?

morganist commented 2 months ago

@SmartFinn I have an idea! Can we make rules for 16px panel icons to be able to scale to up 32px? Maybe then Plasma will be able to use them for system tray popup?

SmartFinn commented 2 months ago

@morganist unfortunately I haven't looked yet. However, if you think, that's may work, let's try it. Could you test it on your system if you're a KDE user?

  1. Create a symlink cd 32x32 && ln -s ../16x16/panel panel
  2. Open index.theme
  3. Add 32x32/panel, inside the Directories= list
  4. Add the following section somewhere in the index.theme:

And don't forget to update the icon cache.

morganist commented 2 months ago

@SmartFinn yes, this totally works:

Plasma system tray with correctly-sized icons

I think this is a particularly great solution because we have to draw new panel 16px icons for Plasma 6 anyway (by the way, I'm confused why there are only 22px icons in #3606)

SmartFinn commented 2 months ago

@morganist great! You'd push it to the master as a workaround.

morganist commented 2 months ago

@SmartFinn a question: so, we have different icons for blue light reduction: there's a symbolic icon for GNOME (it's a crescent from weather icons) - night-light-symbolic, and there's a lightbulb icon originally for redshift - redshift. Lightbulb icon was used in Plasma themes with Papirus icons before Plasma 6, but what about now? Which ones should I symlink/adapt for Plasma 6?

morganist commented 2 months ago

See to track specific icon additions for compatibility with Plasma 6

morganist commented 2 months ago

The situation is finally looking better! Here's what I accomplished:


If anyone else still has bugs with Papirus icons in Plasma 6, please feel free to complain here - I can't possibly have all the unique setups required to utilise all the systray icons in Plasma 6!

kondinskis commented 2 months ago

Is the connected USB device icon the desired behavior or it is a bug ? Screenshot_20240426_162441 Latest version installed from master branch.

morganist commented 2 months ago

@kondinskis I was fixing it as you wrote your comment. Should be alright now!

niri-san commented 2 months ago

Almost fixed on my Plasma 6 system tray taskbar.

morganist, please could you check KTorrent tray icon? It doesn't use a symbolic icon, It run a color icon instead.

Also camera indicator it use an strange teal icon, some other symbolic icons are still missing.

See them here

Some indicators icons doesn't save symbolic icons if they're disabled like on the photo. But, once i enabled they get the proper symbolic icon.

So far, so good with recent updates.

lucazade commented 2 months ago

Also "lock session - poweroff" widget doesn't use monochrome icons (without red background) Schermata_20240427_194218

morganist commented 2 months ago

Also camera indicator it use an strange teal icon, some other symbolic icons are still missing.

@genkieagle as for the camera, please check your colour scheme. Activated camera icon inherits the positive colour from it, which is usually green.

niri-san commented 2 months ago

@morganist thanks, but i disabled some features on my desktop since they have no priority or importance to be used by me, The services that i disabled have colored icons, if i activate em takes the proper symbolic icon same about the camera. I just wish they had symbolic icons for disabled services too.

morganist commented 2 months ago

if i activate em takes the proper symbolic icon same about the camera.

@genkieagle what i was trying to say is that the camera icon is already correct, doesn't matter if the indicator is enabled or disabled. symbolic icons don't have to be monochrome, and they often aren't in Papirus. try disconnecting your camera and then check if the teal icon changes to the crossed-out camera icon both on panel and in the plasmoid settings.

lucazade commented 2 months ago

Arrows and session icons in Plasma 6 kickoff are a bit weird


morganist commented 2 months ago

@SmartFinn what do you think about doing a release tomorrow? It would be especially beneficial since a new Fedora version got released several days ago, so users of non-rolling distributions are starting to get Plasma 6.

SmartFinn commented 2 months ago

@morganist ok, I don't mind. I'll review the change tomorrow. If I can't do it, please release it by yourself on Apr May 2.

UM-Li commented 2 months ago

Konversation uses konversation-symbolic.svg and konv_message.svg for tray icons. Papirus used to have tray icons for Konversation if I remember correctly, but I can't find them in the latest release. For now the colored Papirus version is used in the tray in place of konversation-symbolic.svg, and the Breeze version of konv_message.svg is used when there are new messages.


Bingo90 commented 1 month ago

Another icon I noticed that looks off is the minimize desktop plasmoid - it's a bit too dark.


andreaemonti commented 1 month ago

Updated today the icon theme on Arch to version 20240501-1. Very nice improvement!

A few more icons that might still need to be fixed (or at least are not for me, on EndeavourOS with Plasma 6):

Thanks for the great work! This icon theme is awesome!

BiudreuN commented 1 month ago

Currently, the notification icon looks absurdly large when placed as a widget on the panel alone. Could it be fixed a bit? Captura de pantalla_20240506_165217

Captura de pantalla_20240506_170146

morganist commented 1 month ago

@BiudreuN it looks alright, you need a margins separator for it to be smaller like the system tray. see #3666

aritsune commented 1 month ago

Not sure how helpful this is, but on my setup the only icon that's still not showing its symbolic version is, I think, input-keyboard used by the Input Method tray icon (that, and the app launcher icon mentioned by andreaemonti):


morganist commented 1 month ago

Also "lock session - poweroff" widget doesn't use monochrome icons (without red background) Schermata_20240427_194218

@lucazade i don't actually know if these icons should be colored or symbolic. In Plasma 5 themes they were symbolic, but now they are like everywhere else in Papirus, e. g. XFCE, Cinnamon and others use the same colorful icons. if anybody else wants a symbolic monochrome version for Plasma session icons, leave a reaction

morganist commented 1 month ago

Not sure how helpful this is, but on my setup the only icon that's still not showing its symbolic version is, I think, input-keyboard used by the Input Method tray icon (that, and the app launcher icon mentioned by andreaemonti):


@aritsune unfortunately i can't reproduce this on my install, the icon and the input method tray component don't seem to be there at all. i know about the keyboard layout tray icon (although it is usually replaced with an indicator of current layout/language) and the virtual keyboard tray icon, so what purpose does the input method applet serve?