PapirusDevelopmentTeam / papirus-icon-theme

Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
6.45k stars 407 forks source link

[Feature] Installer: give the user the choice for the destination folder of installation (/usr/share/icons or $USER/.local/share/icons) #3724

Closed harmin-parra closed 1 month ago

harmin-parra commented 1 month ago

Please provide the following information

Describe the issue below:

Currently, the installer uses sudo in order to install the icon theme in /usr/share/icons

Feature proposal:

Give the user the choice between a global installation (/usr/shar/icons) or a user-specific installation ($USER/.local/share/icons). For installation in $USER/.local/share/icons, sudo won't be neccesary.

SmartFinn commented 1 month ago

Please read Papirus Installer section carefully. The installer already supports any destination directory, and it doesn't require sudo if a user can write permission to the destination directory.