PapirusDevelopmentTeam / papirus-icon-theme

Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
6.45k stars 407 forks source link

Why is Papirus shipping an identical SVG as both the "48x48" and "96x96" icon? #3728

Closed eclipseo closed 1 month ago

eclipseo commented 1 month ago

Hello, $ diff -u 48x48/apps/Zoom.svg 96x96/apps/Zoom.svg

Shouldn't SVGs - those are scalable vector graphics - be in a scalable/ subdir, not the fixed-size subdirs? AIUI how icon themes are supposed to work, the fixed-size subdirectories should contain (only) fixed-size representations (i.e. they should be PNGs), in the size specified. They're usually there for when the scalable icon doesn't scale down to a small size very well.

Why is Papirus shipping an identical SVG as both the "48x48" and "96x96" Zoom icon? In a sized directory?

SmartFinn commented 1 month ago

See Multiple icon sizes. All subdirectories in 96x96 folder are symlinks to the same subdirectories in 48x48. This hack is need to flexible control scaling by adding rules in index.theme file. If we remove the rules, 64px icons will be used for 96px icons, and we get blurred icons, because 96 ÷ 64 = 1.5x