PapirusDevelopmentTeam / papirus-icon-theme

Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Inconsistent icon style on Thunar's side pane #3730

Open andreldm opened 1 month ago

andreldm commented 1 month ago

On Thunar's side pane, even when using the recommended icon size, the file system icon is not consistent, in the screenshot below it's possible to see it is too light.


I added g_print ("%s\n", gtk_icon_info_get_filename (icon_info)); to thunar_shortcuts_icon_renderer_render to check if the app is requesting the correct icons:


The request paths seem about right to me, only drive-harddisk.svg is not dark, shouldn't it be?

morganist commented 1 month ago


I get that you're using Papirus, not Papirus-Light. It has light icons, so they need to be recolored, and only KDE software does with our monochrome icons. Try Papirus-light and report here, please

andreldm commented 1 month ago

Yes, with Papirus-Light the problem is gone, on the other hand icons on panel are inconsistent (esp. Network Manager's applet).

It has light icons, so they need to be recolored, and only KDE software does with our monochrome icons.

So, only KDE works well with the regular Papirus theme? Still, I don't understand understand why some icons are dark and others are light, is there a reason?

morganist commented 1 month ago

on the other hand icons on panel are inconsistent (esp. Network Manager's applet).

could you please attach a screenshot?

why some icons are dark and others are light, is there a reason?

Papirus has icons for dark themes Papirus-Dark has icons for dark themes Papirus-Light has icons for light themes All monochrome icons are recolourable by KDE colourscheme variables All icons in the 'symbolic' directories are recolourable by GNOME

andreldm commented 1 month ago

could you please attach a screenshot?

Sure thing, xfce4-panel with #222222 as background color: image

#CCCCCC as background color: image

Papirus has icons for dark themes Papirus-Dark has icons for dark themes Papirus-Light has icons for light themes All monochrome icons are recolourable by KDE colourscheme variables All icons in the 'symbolic' directories are recolourable by GNOME

My previous question still remains, I get it that there is a light and dark variant, it's just the regular theme that has a mix of dark and light icons which I don't understand. Or is "Paripus" a sort of dark theme that is only well supported by KDE?

I'm sorry for so many questions, I'm still trying to understand whether "Papirus" requires some work from the Xfce side to look correct.

ocobblepot commented 1 month ago

One of the issues here is that Arch Linux has packaged the 20240501 release, which has not yet been rolled out more widely. The release notes for 20240501 state "This release includes a workaround and numerous icons for Plasma 6. This workaround may not be correct in others desktop environments. If your distro does NOT ship with Plasma 6, skip this release." - The anomalous drive-harddisk icon also shows in the Gtk file chooser and in Gnome Disk Utility (see attachment).

GNOME, Cinnamon, Budgie, MATE and of course Xfce all have a dark panel by default, and usually a light theme. Papirus has had icons for dark panels and light themes to support this.

Screenshot from 2024-05-30 10-56-48

morganist commented 1 month ago

The anomalous drive-harddisk icon also shows in the Gtk file chooser and in Gnome Disk Utility

@ocobblepot strange, my installation doesn't have this problem. But I suppose the icon picker is very confused by the theme having two identical icons...

andreldm commented 1 month ago

If your distro does NOT ship with Plasma 6, skip this release.

This is ambiguous, should have been instead "if your distro ships other desktops besides Plasma 6, skip this release" or "only package this release if Plasma 6 is the only desktop supported by your distro". Arch should have probably skipped this release, or created an additional package only for kde.

What's the plan for the next release? A theme that works well for all desktops? No plans? :)

morganist commented 1 month ago

@andreldm as for your screenshots – is the xfce panel theme (not only colour) set to a dark theme? I believe this should solve the issue, as I myself use xfce on a secondary machine (Debian 12) and the latest Papirus works as it should. I use Adwaita as a GTK theme and Adwaita-Dark as a theme for my panel, with its color being #000000

andreldm commented 1 month ago

@andreldm as for your screenshots – is the xfce panel theme (not only colour) set to a dark theme? I believe this should solve the issue, as I myself use xfce on a secondary machine (Debian 12) and the latest Papirus works as it should. I use Adwaita as a GTK theme and Adwaita-Dark as a theme for my panel, with its color being #000000

No, it wasn't, unfortunately changing that does not solve the problem:

Papirus Light + Dark Panel image

Papipus + Dark Panel (looks good, but Papirus has the problem reported here) image

Papirus Dark + Dark Panel (looks good, but the icons are too light everywhere else) image

I use Greybird (light theme) and all Xfce components from git master, not sure this has any effect. By the way, I have reverted to the previous release (20240201) and it does solve the reported issue, so it seems like a regression :thinking:

24px 16px
image image
ocobblepot commented 1 month ago

One option might be to create a separate package for the KDE icons in the same way that you have the epapirus-icon-theme package for elementary/Pantheon.

However I'm suggesting this without knowing how much this adds to the development/maintenance workload for the team...

morganist commented 4 weeks ago

ok, so this is more deep than I initially expected, somehow it's only the icons that I touched for Plasma 6 that don't recolor under xfce. I'll need to look into that...

ocobblepot commented 4 weeks ago

somehow it's only the icons that I touched for Plasma 6 that don't recolor under xfce. I'll need to look into that...

Papirus is the default icon theme for the Xfce distros MX Linux (No1 at Distrowatch FWIW) and Linux Lite. It also looks great with Xfce's in-house theme Greybird (as you can see in the screenshots above) which is the default theme in Xubuntu.

Maybe in the short term separating out the new KDE icons into new folders (e.g. Papirus-KDE, Papirus-Dark-KDE) or a separate package is an OK solution.