PapirusDevelopmentTeam / papirus-icon-theme

Pixel perfect icon theme for Linux
GNU General Public License v3.0
6.45k stars 407 forks source link

Step by step to contribute #3749

Open heendra opened 2 weeks ago

heendra commented 2 weeks ago

Hi... im new about this github thing. I want to contribute in symlink of papirus icon, but dont know where to start. hope someone can give me guide step by step. thank you.

morganist commented 1 week ago

hi! please refer to contributing guide, there's a section for making symlinks:

however, if you are very-very new to this, then let me explain a bit, because the contributing guide assumes you know your way around git. i assume you are using linux, right?

  1. you need to install git through your package manager. it's a CLI utility, a version control system that papirus uses. github is one of the web interfaces for git, and a place where the Papirus icon theme repository is hosted.
  2. you need to configure your git installation, in particular your display name and email address:
  3. you need to fork a this repository on github, so that you have a personal copy where you can make various changes before you submit them, as well as clone (basically download) your fork to your computer. read this, especially the sections about forking and cloning:
  4. create a local branch for your every specific change. you don't want to make future commits to the master branch because it prevents maintainers (us) from helping you finish things up. i like to use git checkout -b [branch name] to create a branch and immidiately switch to it (that's what checkout does). it's a common practice to name branches according to symlink/icon you are making in it.
  5. now that you've cloned your fork to your computer and switched to your new branch, refer to the contributing guide.
  6. when you've successfully followed all the steps, you need to add files which you've modified/created to git so that it sees them. i like to run git add -v --all to automatically add all new/modified files and show which ones have been added. if we are talking about a symlink to an application, there would be 6 new files. at this point, git knows about these new files.
  7. if you are done, make and push a commit, so that your added changes (and your new branch) are sent to your forked repository on github: git commit -m "Add symlink/icon for something" to make and name a commit, then git push origin [branch name] to send changes to a server. you'll be prompted with a login and then a password. github doesn't allow you to use your github password for this, you need to create an authentification token in settings > developer settings > personal access tokens. use this token as a password for git CLI.
  8. push your commits, then go to the repository of your fork. there should be a banner up top saying that your new branch has changes, so press the button that says compare and pull request.
  9. you'll be taken to the screen for creating a pull request (to this reporitory, the "upstream"). write something useful, maybe attach screenshots if you like.

i hope that's it! you shouldn't need anything but the basics of git in order to contribute to Papirus. Feel free to ask questuons if something is unclear.

heendra commented 1 week ago

Thank you for responding. I will learn it.