Paqmind / calorie-counter

Calorie Counter
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App Features #1

Open scabbiaza opened 9 years ago

scabbiaza commented 9 years ago

Names for menu items are under discussion.

Current day

This is the main page and it is shown by default. We could think it's like diary. It has to have:

Design should support ability to add more info on this page in the future.

We need to have quick navigation to previous and next days, as well as for any day in the past and in the future.

Q: put link on the calendar in this tab or as separate menu item?


On this tab user will see statistic for:

Weight dynamic could be simple line chart with mark (line) on goal weight.

How to show body measurements I have no idea. It would be cool to show it as schematic body with user's proportion that will change by changing date. Body could increase or decrease. But it's not a simple task ;) So maybe later. For now table with data could be enough.

Calorie input is good to have as bar chart. It's interesting to see any deviations from daily norm. Notice: any deviation (not enough calorie or too much) is bad behavior.

Activity statistic could be shown as calendar with marks on days with activity.


User will have ability to add weight and body measurements: breast volume, waist, hips, arms, legs (need to add picture how to do it right). User can set measurements for any day in the past.

Data about weight that user added on Current Day tab, should be added on this tab automatically.

Notice: units will be chosen in Settings.


User can set daily calorie norm, goal weight and body measurements here as well as units for this.

Or can leave it empty! Application should work fine without this data.

Q: By changing daily calorie norm should results (statistic) will change also? For example, user set 1500 calories as daily norm and was following this schema for next two months. Then she/he decided to decrease it to 1200. And if we will change this number in Results tab, it will shown that last two months user have eaten not enough calories. That is wrong. She/he just had another diet plan. So we need to store previous number. I even think we need to have ability to change this number for any day.


We will put here info about application and about calorie counting method.

ivan-kleshnin commented 9 years ago

Cleaner rewrite of the previous. Structure issues are marked with (?)

Today (Home page / Default page)

Required Features:

Desired Features:


Required Features:

Desired Features:



Required Features:



Required features:

Help (?)

Required Features:

ivan-kleshnin commented 9 years ago

Current Issues:

  1. Goals may change with time. It should be able to see in charts your goals for weight or other factor at that moment of time. Then you cannot define global goals as they should be bound to date. I think we need Target tab(s) (see below) as well. Goals may be for year / month / week right?
  2. Help tab is a mess. App should be clear to use and require no help. App should contain tooltips for more complex cases.
  3. What is "Calorie counting method"?
  4. Pls. google a difference between: Objective / Aim / Target / Goal. "Goal" is a Boolean value (reached or not). Planned Calorie Normative should be called "Target", not "Goal" if it has exact corresponding number.
  5. Let's clarify Targets:
    • Calories daily norm (Should it be the same for every day? Don't we have a diets with floating calorie limits?) (should it be on the same tab with the nexts?)
    • Target Weight (how exact should it be? +1/-1 kilo or +5/-5 kilo or...)


scabbiaza commented 9 years ago

Comment about Structure:

record today's meals: time, calories, optional comment (multiple records)

All fields are optional. User can forget the time - it's ok. User can fill only calories or only comment. User also should be able add/edit total calories per day (but let it be desired feature for now).

record today’s activity (workouts) (multiple records)

Single record will be enough: was activity or not.

About the issues above

  1. I like the idea to create a "Targets" tab. But I don't think we need to create "target-time" bind. Let's keep it simple. Of course in statistic we need to have "old" targets for the past days, in case if user change their.
  2. Agree. No "Help" tab for now. Maybe to add "About"?
  3. What do you want me to describe? The term? This is the method to control your food.
  4. +
    • Calories daily norm is one for all days. Again, we keep it simple. It's ok even if you will eat +100 calories more. (We will discuss more about it when will work on charts).
    • Target weight is ceil number in unit that provide user (kilos, pounds).
    • Let's keep all targets in one tab.