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Confirm cafrun is working #317

Open zbeekman opened 5 years ago

zbeekman commented 5 years ago

Make sure cafrun is working correctly

Test on: tau2/examples/caf/pi_ca.f90

Compiler instrumentation should work with OpenCoarrays.

tau cafrun -n 4 ./pi 30000
tau caf pi_ca.f90 -o pi -optCompInst
zbeekman commented 5 years ago

trying tau init --caf T --mpi T with GFortran 7.3 and Open Coarrays installed into my home directory, but on my path, I get:

[TAU] System MPI Fortran compiler '/usr/lib64/mpich/bin/mpif90' wraps '/usr/bin/gfortran'
[TAU] System MPI C++ compiler '/usr/lib64/mpich/bin/mpic++' wraps '/usr/bin/g++'
[TAU] System MPI C compiler '/usr/lib64/mpich/bin/mpicc' wraps '/usr/bin/gcc'
[TAU] Created a new project named 'examples'.
[TAU] Added application 'examples' to project configuration 'examples'.
[TAU] Added target 'v' to project configuration 'examples'.
[TAU] Added measurement 'baseline' to project configuration 'examples'.
[TAU] Added measurement 'sample' to project configuration 'examples'.
[TAU] Added measurement 'profile' to project configuration 'examples'.
[TAU] Added measurement 'source-inst' to project configuration 'examples'.
[TAU] Added measurement 'compiler-inst' to project configuration 'examples'.
[TAU] Added measurement 'trace' to project configuration 'examples'.
[TAU] Created a new experiment 'v-examples-sample'
[TAU] TAU must be reconfigured: TAU Makefile not found for tags '062d91f6, mpi' in '/home/vagrant/taucmdr-'
[TAU] Installing TAU Performance System at '/home/vagrant/taucmdr-'
[TAU] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************
[TAU] Can't determine TAU magic word for GNU Fortran compiler < object at 0x7efd7d4f4e50>
[TAU] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************
[TAU] TAU Performance System installation failed: 
[TAU] An unexpected InternalError exception was raised:
[TAU] Unknown compiler family for Fortran: 'GNU'
[TAU] Traceback (most recent call last):
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 70, in <module>
[TAU]     sys.exit(cli_main_cmd.main(sys.argv[1:]))
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 132, in main
[TAU]     return cli.execute_command([cmd], cmd_args)
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 321, in execute_command
[TAU]     return main(perm_args)
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 245, in main
[TAU]     self._populate_project(args)
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 225, in _populate_project
[TAU]     '--measurement', measurement_name])
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 177, in main
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 199, in select
[TAU], expr)
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 115, in select
[TAU]     experiment.configure()
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 252, in wrapper
[TAU]     return f(*args, **kwargs)
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 358, in configure
[TAU]     tau.install()
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 891, in install
[TAU]     self.installation_sequence()
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 909, in installation_sequence
[TAU]     self.configure()
[TAU]   File "/home/vagrant/taucmdr-", line 738, in configure
[TAU]     raise InternalError("Unknown compiler family for Fortran: '%s'" % fc_family)
[TAU] InternalError
[TAU] This is a bug in TAU Commander.
[TAU] Please send '/home/vagrant/.local/taucmdr/debug_log' to <> for assistance.
khsa1 commented 5 years ago

Does it work if you add the --caf-fc caf option?