[x] Added Mattermost, verified meeting notifications (check the test webhook in Parabol Mattermost)
[x] Added GitHub, verified issue created (use ParabolInc/publictestrepo)
[x] Added Jira, verified issue created (use parabol-2)
[x] Added GitLab, verified issue created
[ ] Added JiraServer, verified issue created
[x] Smoke tested the Retro meeting with 2 players
[x] Smoke tested the Sprint Poker meeting with 2 players
[x] Smoke tested the Team Check-in meeting with 2 players
[x] Smoke tested the Standup meeting with 2 players
[x] Smoke tested cards on the dashboard
[x] Created a 2nd team
[x] Created a 2nd organization
[x] Upgraded to Team (Credit card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242, expiration date: any month in the future, CVC: 123)
[x] Smoke tested the app on a mobile device (e.g. navigate between views, smoke test a Retro meeting, etc.)
[x] Test previously existed meetings to make sure that existing data is not corrupted
[x] Create a task in the discussion thread of a meeting
[x] Create a comment in the discussion thread of a meeting
What’s changed
At your discretion, complete the tests for any merged PRs:
List each PR with a header and link to ([title], #[issue id])
Copy and paste tests, or note what was tested, in this issue
Run the equivalent test on staging that you would run in a local environment as closely as possible (e.g. updating the database to simulate cases, etc.)
The basics
Run through this list at least once at staging:
)4242 4242 4242 4242
, expiration date: any month in the future, CVC:123
)What’s changed
At your discretion, complete the tests for any merged PRs: