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Getting Started with GitHub #1

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

:wave: Welcome to Introduction to GitHub

We're glad you're here. You'll perform some actions to help you become familiar with GitHub... using GitHub!

:point_down: This is an expandable dialogue! Click to open as you find these throughout the course.

What is GitHub? ## What is GitHub? We are glad you asked! Many people stumble onto GitHub through one of the millions of Open Source projects it holds or because their employer or professor is using it. Why do these projects use GitHub? **At its heart, GitHub is a collaboration platform.** People around the world use GitHub to collaborate on projects ranging from software to policy documents and cookbooks. You can share your projects with the world and invite your friends to help, or you can keep your projects private and still have easy access wherever you are. **GitHub is also a powerful version control tool.** While you are collaborating, GitHub uses Git (open source, distributed version control software) to keep track of every change made to your project. **GitHub is so much more.** GitHub is used to build some of the most powerful applications in the world. It can do a lot of really cool things, but this class is going to focus on getting you started with the basics. We will dig in to the rest later! :tv: [Video: What is GitHub?](

This is an issue, a place where you can hold conversations with other collaborators about bugs in your code, feature requests, or any other topic you wish. Issue titles are a lot like email subject lines: they tell your collaborators what the issue is about at a glance. The title of this issue is _Getting Started with GitHub_!
Using GitHub Issues ## Using GitHub Issues GitHub _Issues_ are used to record and discuss ideas, enhancements, tasks, and bugs. They make collaboration easier by: - Replacing email for project discussions, ensuring everyone (even future team members) has the complete story. - Allowing you to cross-link to other _Issues_ and _Pull requests_. - Creating a single, comprehensive record of how and why you made certain decisions. - Allowing you to easily pull the right people into a conversation with @ mentions and team mentions. :tv: [Video: Using Issues](
Managing notifications ## Managing Notifications Once you've commented on an _issue_ or _pull request_, email notifications will start to pour in. By default, notifications will be sent by email when there is activity in the thread. You can also choose to receive notifications of a full repository. Whenever there is a new _issue_, _pull request_ or _comment_ posted you will get a notification. ### You can silence or unmute notifications of _individual issues and pull requests_. 1. Go to the issue or pull request. 2. Click the **(Un)subscribe** button on the right, under _Notifications_ Underneath the button a short description explains the current notification status. ### You can _customize_ notifications in Settings. 1. Click your profile icon. 2. Click **Settings**. 3. Click **Notifications** from the menu on the left. Here you can adjust your notification [preferences]( ### You can choose to receive notifications from a _repository_. * _**Watch**_: You will receive a notification when a **new** _issue_, _pull request_ or _comment_ is posted, and when an _issue_ is **closed** or a _pull request_ is **merged**. * _**Not watching**_: Stop receiving notifications, but @ mentions will still alert you. * _**Ignore**_: Stop all notifications. ### You can _review notifications_ for the repositories you are already watching. 1. Click your profile icon. 2. Click **Settings**. 3. Click **Notification** from the menu on the left. 4. Click on the [repositories you’re watching]( link. 5. Select the **Watching** tab. 6. Click the **(Un)watch** button to disable or enable notifications for that repository. :tv: [Video: Watching, Notifications, Stars, and Explore](
ghost commented 6 years ago

This issue is unassigned :disappointed:

Unassigned issues don't have someone to look after them. Assigned issues and pull requests tell visitors to your repository that you'll be facilitating this particular conversation :muscle:.

:memo: Activity

  1. On the right side of the screen, under the Assignees section, click assign yourself.
ghost commented 6 years ago

:tada: You're now the proud manager of this issue!

Now that you've assigned yourself, others that drop by know that they're welcome to participate, but you'll be making sure to carry this issue across the finish line. :sunglasses:.

Let's Use GitHub Pages

Now, on to business! GitHub Pages is a technology that allows you to serve a static web site from this repository. We've filled this repository with some :sparkles: web site content, but the rendered site isn't visible from anywhere right now. Let's change that.

:memo: Activity

  1. Click on the Settings tab for this repository.
  2. Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section:
    • From the Source drop down, select master branch.
    • Click Save
  3. Return to this issue when you are done.
Exploring a GitHub Repository ## Exploring a GitHub Repository :tv: [Video: Exploring a repository]( ### More Great Features The video covered some of the most commonly used features. Here are a few other items of interest you can find in GitHub repositories: - **Projects:** You can create Kanban style project tracking boards within GitHub. - **Wiki**: GitHub also has a place to create and store your relevant project documentation. - **Insights**: A drop-down menu option that contains links to different analytic tools for your repository. It contains the following items: - **Pulse**: Pulse is our project's dashboard. It contains information on the work that has been completed and the work in progress. - **Graphs**: Graphs provide a more granular view of the repository activity, including who has contributed, when the work has been done, and who has forked the repository. ### Special Files In the video you learned about a special file called the Here are a few other special files you can add to your repositories: - ****: The `` is used to describe the process for collaborating on the repository. The link to the `` file is shown anytime someone begins to create a new issue or pull request. - ****: The `` is yet another special file you can use to pre-populate the body of an issue. For example, if you always want to gather certain types of information for bug reports, you can include it in the issue template and every new issue will be opened with your recommended starter text.