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Dsword Parry Infinite* Loop #27375

Open Banderblitz opened 5 days ago

Banderblitz commented 5 days ago

Exploit Reports

BYOND Version


Issue Description

When a dsword hits another dsword as it is parrying, and parries the second after, the dswords enter an infinite parry loop hitting each other repeatedly until one is stamcrit or their parry window expires.

What did you expect to happen?

I expected to simply have my attack get parried, or to get punished for my attack into a dsword parry.

What happened instead?

The dsword users parried each other multiple times in succession until one was stamcrit, or their parry window went off whichever came first.

Why is this bad/What are the consequences?

Having a completely unhinged interaction which involves 20 attacks going off within a second and causing lag for everyone involved on screen isnt great. When it occurs, even if it is rare.

Steps to reproduce the issue.

Step 1: Obtain a dsword Step 2: Have someone else obtain a dsword. Step 3: Fight and have one person get hit while parrying. Step 4: Have the attacker parry right after attacking. Step 5: Lag as chat goes off with multiple attack messages within a fraction of a second and get stamcrit.

When did the problem start happening?

As of 11/16/2024 on round 42646.

Extra information

It was likely introduced when dsword parry was given the buff to retaliate automatically on parrying a melee attack.

Relevant log output/runtime error

Ionward commented 5 days ago

space station 13: revengeance