I'm trying to use the door reed switch to trigger the light being turned on in the garage and I'm counting sometimes as high as 9 seconds before MQTT is seeing the report from the panel about the door being opened.
When I open the door, I hear the chime from my T50 saying the door is open, but it's taking MUCH longer for the status to reflect in MQTT (and thus in Node-RED and HA).
Is there any way we can increase the reporting speed from the Panel to MQTT??
Alarm system
EVO192 IP150
HASS 0.114.4 Using MQTT Broker 5.1 PAI 2.2.1
Raspberry Pi-3B
Git branch
Latest Stable
I'm trying to use the door reed switch to trigger the light being turned on in the garage and I'm counting sometimes as high as 9 seconds before MQTT is seeing the report from the panel about the door being opened. When I open the door, I hear the chime from my T50 saying the door is open, but it's taking MUCH longer for the status to reflect in MQTT (and thus in Node-RED and HA).
Is there any way we can increase the reporting speed from the Panel to MQTT??