ParadoxGameConverters / Vic2ToHoI4

Converts Victoria 2 saves into Hearts of Iron 4 mods.
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Vic2HoI4 update #120

Closed IohannesIohannium closed 5 years ago

IohannesIohannium commented 7 years ago

I'm giving here an update to the datafiles of the converter, as well as some suggestions. I don't know how to pull request, guys, I'm sorry.



SIDENOTE: about the name mappings, only some countries have industry names, even lesser have female names and only majors have callsigns. This is how Vanilla handles it, and how I handled it here.

IohannesIohannium commented 7 years ago

I'm pinning @kratostatic here now, hoping he'll merge these new files.

Hamiller78 commented 7 years ago

No need to pull kratostatic from his work on the EU42Vic2 converter. I can take care of this.

Hamiller78 commented 7 years ago

I think the new national focus files from Death Or Dishonor are supposed to be empty, so that they don't get their special trees which don't make sense in the context of a converted game.

IohannesIohannium commented 7 years ago

Yeah, maybe it's better. But triggerless as they are now, they still can't appear.

Hamiller78 commented 7 years ago

Wouldn't they appear if there was a Romania in the converted world? I honestly don't know. But in any case they caused entries in HOI's debug log, because they contain country tags of countries which don't exist in the converted world. In any case I appreciate your work and I think I can learn a lot about modding HoI from you. I started with understanding focus tree files and am working my way around from there. ;-)

IohannesIohannium commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure what happened. It seems like the update has been forgotten here or am I wrong? I can get the reluctance on vanilla province mappings, but all other things are correct, I can swear, and there's no broken copyright.

Idhrendur commented 7 years ago

Not forgotten, just choose a more gradual process to pull it all in, plus not having much time, plus trying to work out all the nuances of my current feature before I focus on this. :-)

Idhrendur commented 7 years ago

I've merged in the changed country mappings. I'll push it in a little while. In the meanwhile, I've added a strikethrough on the first post so I can keep track of what's unmerged.

IohannesIohannium commented 7 years ago

Because a new thread would be confusing, these files have to be added to the upgrade as well. In case of overwrite with my previous archive, overwrite.

The new features added by this second upgrade are:

About the province renaming event, I can understand you'd prefer it split into different events and based upon culture, religion or something else. The main problem is, there is no sure tag owning that, no there is "culture" at all in HoI4. Better modernize them and be sure that Edo and Christiania get their names Tokyo and Oslo, because it is highly improbable they'd not have got these new names.

EDIT: DON'T upload the flags starting with LAT of this second update. They should be LTN, my error.

Idhrendur commented 7 years ago

Alright, I've added flags in, for the most part. There were a number where they were the exact same as the Vic2 flags and I couldn't find a common source with a quick google. Can you provide the sources for these ones so we can be absolutely sure we aren't copying from Vic2 without permission?

CHE_monarchy CHI_republic DEN_monarchy DEN_fascist DOM_monarchy DOM_communist ECU_communist ECU_fascist ECU_monarchy ELS_communist ELS_monarchy ENG_communist ENG_fascist ETH_communist ETH_fascist FRA_communist FRA_fascist GER_communist GXI_communist GXI_fascist GXI_republic HAI_communist HAI_fascist HEK_fascist HND_communist HND_fascist HON_communist HON_fascist HON_monarchy HON_republic ICL_communist IRE_communist IRE_fascist IRE_monarchy IRQ_communist IRQ_monarchy ITA_communist JAN_republic JAP_communist JAP_fascist KAL_monarchy LAT_communist LAT_fascist LIB_communist LIB_fascist LIB_monarchy LIT_communist LIT_fascist LUX_communist LUX_fascist LUX_republic MAN_republic MEW_monarchy MGL_fascist MGL_monarchy NAS_monarchy NEP_communist NEP_fascist NEP_republic NIC_communist NIC_fascist NIC_monarchy NZL_communist NZL_fascist OMA_monarchy ORA_republic ORI_monarchy PER_communist PER_fascist PHI_communist PHI_fascist PHI_monarchy PNM_communist PNM_fascist PNM_monarchy POL_communist POL_fascist POR_communist POR_fascist REB _fascist REB _republic REB ROM_communist ROM_fascist ROM_monarchy RUS_fascist SAF_fascist SCH_monarchy SIA_communist SIA_fascist SIA_republic SPA_communist SWI_communist SWI_fascist SWI_monarchy SXI_communist SXI_fascist SXI_republic TIB_communist TIB_fascist TPG_republic TRE_fascist TRE_monarchy TUN_monarchy UCA_communist UCA_fascist UCA_monarchy URU_communist URU_fascist URU_monarchy USA_communist USA_fascist USA_monarchy VEN_fascist VNZ_communist VNZ_republic WIA_monarchy WLL_communist WLL_fascist WUR_monarchy WUR_republic XBI_communist XBI_fascist YEM_communist YNN_communist YNN_fascist YNN_republic YUG_fascist

IohannesIohannium commented 7 years ago

Besides Cherokee (monarchy-straightly copied from EU4), Hesse-Kassel (fascist), Jan Mayen (all, but seriously), Orissa (monarchy-straightly copied from EU4), Trieste (monarchy and fascist), UPCA (fascist and communist), Wallonia (communist and fascist) and the ones below, they are the same in both Vic2 and HoI4. If you want them checked as well, ask me. These below are the ones that are only in Vic2 and Real Life:

I hope you don't plan to remove the ones that are present in both games, however. In my opinion, it makes no sense to create variants only because you are playing a modded game rather than vanilla.

If you wish me to create new flags for the ones that are unsourced, tell me which ones, I'll try to come up with a design.

Idhrendur commented 7 years ago

Doh! I forgot to check if they matched the HoI4 ones, which is a perfectly acceptable case for what we're doing. I'll go back through next time I have a chance and add all those. And thanks for providing sources for the others!

IohannesIohannium commented 7 years ago

I'll re-draw the ones with no other source than Vic2 later (Jan Mayen aside), to avoid copyright issues.

IohannesIohannium commented 6 years ago

I found a source for Trieste fascist and monarchy: (See Historical section).

Here the other flags that were found only in Vic2, redrawn with unique designs:

Idhrendur commented 6 years ago

Alright! That leaves these flags (while the Trieste emblem is on that source, there's enough going in the flags that I'd feel more comfortable if they're redrawn):

MAN_republic.tga ORI_monarchy.tga REB _fascist.tga REB _republic.tga REB.tga RUS_fascist.tga TPG_republic.tga TRE_fascist.tga TRE_monarchy.tga UCA_monarchy.tga WIA_monarchy.tga

IohannesIohannium commented 6 years ago

EDIT: Restyled design

MAN_republic.tga - Manhattan Comune, basically New York State flag ORI_monarchy.tga - Orissa Kingdom, I already gave you it fixed above REB _fascist.tga, REB _republic.tga, REB.tga - Rebels... Do I have to say? RUS_fascist.tga - The same as SOV_fascist.tga of HoI4, based upon Russian Naval ensign with CoA TPG_republic.tga - As I said above, TRE_fascist.tga, TRE_monarchy.tga - They do are sourced. If it makes you uneasy, I'll try to come with a better design UCA_monarchy.tga - As I said above, WIA_monarchy.tga - As I said above,

Idhrendur commented 6 years ago

I finally wrapped up merging in your province mappings. Thank you for them, you were right that they were much better than the originals. If you'd like to make updates or corrections to my merging and meddling, this file is what you should work from:

With that done, the only files left here are for new features, and referenced in their own issues, so I'm going to close this out.