ParadoxGameConverters / Vic2ToHoI4

Converts Victoria 2 saves into Hearts of Iron 4 mods.
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HoI4 : More random Focus Trees #152

Open WilhelmStein opened 6 years ago

WilhelmStein commented 6 years ago

Having played through a few conversions, the thing that really annoys me is the lack of diversity when it comes to focus trees. I think that depending on the way the country was developed in Vic 2, a focus tree should be generated from scratch (depending on the terrain of the country in question) or perhaps at the start of the conversion, depending on the current political climate, alliances and industry, a few possible "stories" should be generated. For example: Let's suppose USA is communist and brazil is democratic. A possible war breaking out would be between those two nations. Thus, brazil could have a focus that builds something similar to the Maginot Line.


IohannesIohannium commented 6 years ago

I think we should have the converter generate unique focus trees for all great powers, according to their ideologies.

As well, it should create a unique-ish focus tree for secondary powers.

At the end, there should be two different types of focus trees remaining: one for the civilized nations (current default) and one for the uncivilized nations.

This way, we have a more realistically diverse reality, where countries will try to follow a path different from just existing.

The great powers' focus trees could be recycled from Vanilla HoI4 trees (removing any state- and country-trigger and replacing them with random states and random neighbours).

IohannesIohannium commented 6 years ago

I decided to list out what kind of focorum tree we could create. My idea sees 12 different trees, based on the status in Vic2 and either the ideology or the position of the capital:

Great Power (fascist) Germany
Great Power (democratic) France
Great Power (communist) Soviet Union
Great Power (reactionary) Great Britain
Great Power (ancap) USA
Puppet State of Great Power Australia
Secondary Power (Europe) Poland
Secondary Power (Asia-Oceania) India
Secondary Power (Americas) Canada
Secondary Power (Africa) South Africa
Puppet State of Secondary Power Czechoslovakia
(Default vanilla) (Default vanilla)
Uncivilized country Yugoslavia

We just have to remove any historical tag or state and teach the converter on what to use. E.g., the German focus "Treaty with the USSR" will just have the converter choose a Communist Great Power tag.