ParadoxGameConverters / Vic2ToHoI4

Converts Victoria 2 saves into Hearts of Iron 4 mods.
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Generate colonial dominions #189

Closed Idhrendur closed 3 years ago

Idhrendur commented 6 years ago

The final idea first shared here:

"colonial dominions option. Yes gives (see the map): Creates new countries for oversea non-bordering territories of a civilized nation as in this map (capital is in X continent, dominions created in other continents unless they are land connected to the capital of overlord) Countries are divided in zones like in the map and have name [Adjective] [Region] (i.e.: Russian Japan, Aztec France, ...) Flags are made with: overlord's flag in the canton field colored red if communist, blue if democratic or neutral and black if fascist special emblem related to zone (historically used) Such a system would allow the existance of British Raj as in Hoi4 Vanilla start and would let non-European powers to have their own colonial flavor. (But still would be better if we gave some countries original historical names like British Raj and not British India, French Soudan and not French West Africa) We could even use this system (if possible) to create Aboriginal countries for areas left uncolonized in Vic2, whose flags would instead be based on this, with the area symbol in the middle, and whose names would just be "Tribal [Area]"."

IohannesIohannium commented 4 years ago

Although this would be a cool idea, it'd require too much work for something trivial. The only reason I formed this idea at all was to fix the British Raj.

Idhrendur commented 4 years ago

I still kind of like it as an idea. It's just been far down the list.