ParadoxGameConverters / Vic2ToHoI4

Converts Victoria 2 saves into Hearts of Iron 4 mods.
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Review tech mappings #77

Closed Idhrendur closed 5 years ago

IohannesIohannium commented 7 years ago

I'm reviewing them for the next release. To make things work good enough, I dug up HoI4 country history files, to be sure we forget no tech.

Idhrendur commented 7 years ago

New tech mappings have been proposed here:

Radu: "Alright, here goes :


<- = Infantry Tech Folder = Basic Eq <- Army/Light Armament/Flintlock Rifles/Invention Flintlock Rifle Armament (Note : This mapping is needed in order to ensure that all or almost all converted nations can field infantry at least) Support Weapons I <- Army/Light Armament/Machine Gun/Invention Machine Gun Armament Motorized <- Industry/Power/Combustion Engine/Invention Daimler's Automobile Marines I <- Navy/Naval Leadership/Modern Naval Training/Amphibious Warfare Training = Armor Tech Folder = Great War Tank <- Army/Army Doctrine/Infiltration/Invention Tank Experiments L Tank I <- Army/Heavy Armament/Heavy Armament/Invention Tankette L Tank II <- Army/Heavy Armament/Heavy Armament/Invention Light Tank = Artillery Folder = Artillery <- Army/Heavy Armament/Bronze Muzzle-loaded Artillery (Note : This is to preserve consistency between having artillery fielded and being able to produce more) Interwar Artillery <- Army/Heavy Armament/Heavy Armament/Invention Heavy Artillery Anti-Air <- Army/Heavy Armament/Heavy Armament/Invention Anti-Aircraft Artillery = Land Doctrine Folder = (if doable) 75% Research Bonus for First Doctrine of Mobile Warfare Doctrine <- Army/Army Doctrine/Modern Army Doctrine/Invention Human Wave vs Spearhead 75% Research Bonus for First Doctrine of Mass Assault Doctrine <- Army/Army Doctrine/Modern Army Doctrine/Invention Human Wave vs Spearhead 75% Research Bonus for First Doctrine of Superior Firepower Doctrine <- Army/Army Doctrine/Modern Army Doctrine/Invention Grand Battle Plan vs Superior Firepower 75% Research Bonus for First Doctrine of Grand Battleplan Doctrine <- Army/Army Doctrine/Modern Army Doctrine/Invention Grand Battle Plan vs Superior Firepower 75% Research Bonus for Doctrines : Mobile Infantry, Blitzkrieg, Dispersed Support, Integrated Support, Mechanized Offensive, Infantry Offensive, Large Front Operations <- Army/Army Doctrine/Modern Army Doctrine/Invention Mobility vs Firepower = Naval Folder = Super-Heavy Battleship I <- Navy/Ship Construction/Oil-Driven Ships/Invention Modern Battleships Battleship II <- Navy/Ship Construction/Oil-Driven Ships/Invention Advanced Battleships Battleship I <- Navy/Ship Construction/Steam Turbine Ships/Invention Dreadnoughts Battlecruiser I <- Navy/Ship Construction/Steel Steamers/Invention Pre-Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser I <- Navy/Ship Construction/Iron Steamers/Invention Ironclads Light Cruiser II <- Navy/Ship Construction/Oil-Driven Ships/Invention Modern Cruisers Light Cruiser I <- Navy/Ship Construction/Steel Steamers/Invention Protected Cruiser Destroyer II <- Navy/Ship Construction/Iron Steamers/Invention Torpedo Boats Destroyer I <- Navy/Ship Construction/Steamers/Invention Commerce Raiders = Naval Doctrine Folder = (if doable) 75% Research bonus for First Doctrine of Fleet in Being/Trade Interdiction/Base Strike <- Navy/Naval Doctrine/Modern Naval Doctrine = Air Folder = Interwar Fighter <- Army/Military Science/Aeronautics/Invention Early Interwar Fighter Fighter I <- Army/Military Science/Aeronautics/Invention Late Interwar Fighter Interwar Bomber <- Army/Military Science/Aeronautics/Invention Early Interwar Bomber Tac Bomber I <- Army/Military Science/Aeronautics/Invention Late Interwar Bomber = Air Doctrine Folder = (if doable) 75% Research Bonus for First Doctrine of Strategic Destruction <- Army/Military Science/Aeronautics/Invention Strategic Destruction 75% Research Bonus for First Doctrine of Battlefield Support <- Army/Military Science/Aeronautics/Invention Battlefield Destruction 75% Research Bonus for First Doctrine of Operational Integrity <- Army/Military Science/Aeronautics/Invention Operational Destruction = Engineering Folder = Electronic Mechanical Engineering <- Industry/Chemistry and Electricity/Electricity Radio <- Culture/Psychology/Behaviorism/National Radio Networks = Industry Folder = Basic Machine Tools <- Industry/Mechanization/Assembly Line/Invention Industrialized Armament Industry Synthetic Oil Experiments <- Industry/Chemistry and Electricity/Synthetic Polymers FORCE MAPPING <- = Airforce = 10 x Interwar Fighters in Country Stockpile for every Vic2 Airplane Unit if Interwar Fighter tech converted (otherwise they get wiped) = Navy = Destroyer I <- Commerce Raider Light Cruiser I <- Cruiser Heavy Cruiser I <- Ironclad or Monitor Battlecruiser I <- Battleship Battleship I <- Dreadnought 1 x Convoy <- Steam Transport Man'o'War, Frigate, Clipper Transport all get wiped (no HoI4 equivalent) = Army = More complicated, bear with me. Vic2 Infantry, Guard, Engineer Brigades each count as 3 x HoI4 Infantry Battalion Vic2 Cuirassier, Dragoon, Hussar Brigades each count as 3 x HoI4 Cavalry Battalion Vic2 Artillery Brigades count as 3 x HoI4 Line Artillery Battalion Add 10 x Great War Tank in Country Stockpile for every Vic2 Armor Unit. Divide total by 60 (size of HoI4 Light Tank Battalions - Great War Tanks equip these). Quotient of the division is number of Great War (Light, in-game) Tank Battlions, remainder gets put in Country Stockpile. Irregular, Cavalry Brigades get wiped. (Note : Awkward but necessary to conflate Vic2 Engineers into HoI4 Infantry. They don't map well to HoI4 Engineers, and the Vic2 stats suggest more an Infantry Brigade + Engineer support. A direct mapping of Vic2 Engineer Brigade into 9 x HoI4 Engineer Companies feels off.) Construction of HoI4 Templates and Divisions If nation has Infantry Battalions it gets the following Template : "Reserve Brigade" with 1 x 3 Infantry Battalions If a nation also has Artillery Battalions, it gets "Infantry Division" with 3 x (3 x Infantry Battalion + 1 x Artillery Battalion) If a nation has Cavalry Battalions it gets the following Template : "Cavalry Brigade" with 1 x 3 Cavalry Battalions If a nation has Light Tank Battalions, a new Template called "Assault Division" is created that is identical to the "Infantry Division" but also has a Light Tank Battalion attached. Divisions are created in the following order (meaning Divisions at the top of the list are attempted to be created first and if Battalions are insufficient, then the next Template is considered) : Assault Division Infantry Division Reserve Brigade Cavalry Brigade Remainder Battalions (say there is only 1 Infantry Battalion left, not enough for one more Reserve Brigade) get their equipment (and manpower?) sent into the Country Stockpile. Additionally, if the country has the Motorized tech converted, it gets the following Templates (even though no such forces are converted, it's just for practicality) : Motorized Brigade : 3 x Motorized Battalion + 1 x Support Artillery Company If it has Tanks researched also gets : Mechanized Brigade : 1 x Light Tank Battalion + 3 x Motorized Battalion + 1 x Support Artillery Company Armored Brigade : 3 x Light Tank Battalion + 1 x Motorized Battalion + 1 x Support Artillery Company Motorized Division : 3 x (3 x Motorized Battalion) + 1 x Support Artillery Company If it has Tanks researched also gets : Mechanized Division : 3 x Light Tank Battalion) + 3 x (3 x Motorized Battalion) + 1 x Support Artillery Company Armored Division : 3 x (3 x Light Tank Battalion) + 3 x Motorized Battalion + 1 x Support Artillery Company Also, if the country has the Marines I tech converted, it gets the following template : Marine Division : 3 x (3 x Marine Battalion + 1 x Artillery Battalion)"
Idhrendur commented 7 years ago

Radu: "Addendum to Conversion of Tanks, Aircraft and Naval Vessels :

Due to the difference in systems between Vic2 and HoI4, representing the different tech levels of a nations' Tank/Aircraft/Naval Vessel inventory is a tricky affair.

One course of action could be :

= Tanks =

In real-life Great War tanks had been phased out by all major powers by the early '30s. In 1936 most nations had a combination of Tankettes/MG-armed tanks and Light Tanks/Cannon-armed tanks. As a result :

Nation only has Great War Tank researched => All Tanks in inventory are Great War Tanks Nation has Light Tank I researched => All Tanks in inventory are Light Tank I Nation has Light Tank II researched => Half of Tanks in inventory are Light Tank I, half are Light Tank II

= Aircraft =

Much like tanks above, converted techs also result in a set ratio of the aircraft in the inventory being converted to specific types.

If Nation has both Fighter and Tac Bomber techs researched => Half of the inventory are fighters, half are bombers Nation has Fighter I tech researched => Half of Fighter inventory are Interwar Fighter, half are Fighter I Nation has Tac Bomber I tech researched => Half of Bomber inventory are Interwar Bomber, half are Tac Bomber I

= Navy =

Nation has Destroyer II tech researched => Half of the inventory are Destroyer I, half are Destroyer II Nation has Light Cruiser II tech researched => Half of the inventory are Light Cruiser I, half are Light Cruiser II Nation has Battleship II tech researched => Half of inventory are Battleship I, half are Battleship II Nation has Super-Heavy Battleship I tech researched => Half of Battleship II inventory become Super-Heavy Battleship I"

IohannesIohannium commented 7 years ago

This is about how to convert stockpile, not tech level

Idhrendur commented 6 years ago

Recently updated, and seems to be working well.