ParadoxGameConverters / Vic2ToHoI4

Converts Victoria 2 saves into Hearts of Iron 4 mods.
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Dominions should absorb other satellites #993

Closed Idhrendur closed 2 years ago

Idhrendur commented 3 years ago

"If a dominion is generated, I'd consider having it annex spherelings with capital in said dominion's area under the same overlord"

cetvrtak commented 3 years ago

No! Spherelings are independent Vic2 countries that only become HoI4 subjects because of lack of other mechanics to reflect the close relationship between a great power and the sphereling.

Idhrendur commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the correction. It should be other Vic2 satellites (which become HoI4 dominions) that are absorbed.

CarbonY26 commented 3 years ago

Maybe dominions can control regional spherelings like how in vanilla Manchukuo could puppet Tibet while staying a puppet of Japan?

Idhrendur commented 3 years ago

The intent if more along the lines of making British India a united whole instead of a mish-mash of countries.

cetvrtak commented 2 years ago

Solved by #1001