ParadoxGameConverters / Vic3ToHoI4

Converts Victoria 3 games to Hearts of Iron 4 mods
MIT License
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Ideology-specific localizations #348

Open Idhrendur opened 1 year ago

Idhrendur commented 1 year ago

If there's good source data from Vic3, allow countries to change names when they change ruling ideologies.

IohannesIohannium commented 1 week ago

And if there's no alternative country names, the following scheme may be used, with the basic name always used for the currently ruling ideology regardless (so, for example, a communist converted Parma will not appear as Socialist Republic of Parma; whereas an unaligned Parma will have Socialist Republic of Parma as new name if it turns communist during HoI4).

  Communist Fascist Democratic Monarchist
Major People's Republic of [Tag] Imperial [Tag] Republican [Tag] [Adj] [Monarchy]
Minor Socialist Republic of [Tag] [Adjective] National Republic [Adj] Republic [Monarchy] of [Tag]

The [Monarchy] is based upon Vic3 ranks:

So, for the example of Parma, we would have: