ParadoxGameConverters / Vic3ToHoI4

Converts Victoria 3 games to Hearts of Iron 4 mods
MIT License
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Convert war support #43

Open Idhrendur opened 2 years ago

Idhrendur commented 2 years ago

Vic2 to HoI4 did this:

warSupport += static_cast<int>(
    (warAttitude * 0.375) + (sourceCountry.getRevanchism() / 5.0) - (sourceCountry.getWarExhaustion() / 2.5));
if (warSupport < 15)
    warSupport = 15;
MichaelEbert commented 1 year ago

vic3 doesn't have warattitude, does it? war exhaustion should be converted over absolutely. Other potential factors that might be relevant: armed forces political strength army model (higher for peasant levies and professional army/lower for national militia/mass conscription)

MichaelEbert commented 1 year ago
rg "set_war_support = .*" | %{$_ -match "countries\\(.*)\.txt.*:.*set_war_support = ([^#]*)"|out-null ;write-output ($matches[1]+","+$matches[2])} | convertfrom-csv -Header @("state","warsupport") | sort warsupport
state                     warsupport
-----                     ----------
CSA - CSA                 0
HOL - Holland             0
USA - USA                 0
YEM - Yeman               0.1
ELS - El Salvador         0.1
ENG - Britain             0.1
OMA - Oman                0.1
PAN - Panama              0.1
RAJ - British Raj         0.1
SWE - Sweden              0.1
HON - Honduras            0.1
HAI - Haiti               0.1
GUA - Guatemla            0.1
SAF - South Africa        0.1
NOR - Norway              0.1
FRA - France              0.1
CUB - Cuba                0.1
DOM - Dominican Republic  0.1
COS - Costa Rica          0.1
BHU - Bhutan              0.1
CAN - Canada              0.1
DEN - Denmark             0.1
MEX - Mexico              0.1
NEP - Nepal               0.1
LUX - Luxemburg           0.1
NIC - Nicaragua           0.1
ECU - Ecuador             0.1
FRA - France              0.15
POR - Portugal            0.15
GRE - Greece              0.23
TUR - Turkey              0.3
AST - Australia           0.3
NZL - New Zealand         0.3
GER - Germany             0.3
AOI - Italian East Africa 0.3
SOV - Soviet union        0.3
BEL - Belgium             0.3
ETH - Ethiopia            0.30
SHX - Shanxi              0.4
GXC - Guangxi             0.4
PAP - Papal States        0.5
CHI - China               0.5
LBV - Lombardy Venetia    0.5
SPM - Sardinia Piedmont   0.5
TTS - The Two Sicilies    0.5
TOS - Tuscany             0.5
USB - USB                 0.5
SOV - Soviet union        0.55
HUN - Hungary             0.6
ROM - Romania             0.6
PRC - ComChina            0.7
CHI - China               0.7
GER - Germany             0.7
ITA - Italy               0.7
JAP - Japan               0.8
MichaelEbert commented 1 year ago

so generally, a 0.1 to 0.5 should be fine for initial conversion. We may need some way of making some countries 'belligerent', ex: in vanilla, GER,ITA,JAP have very high (potential) war support. but that can come later.