The really weird mismatch of the blocking status communication is still there on the feature/fix-mpi-branch of PR #212.
I put in some debug logging of the following in mpi_communicator_impl.hpp:
CLOG(DEBUG, "Controller") << "sending converged status to rank " << dest_rank << " with tag '1': " << ((bool)iconverged == IStatus::CONVERGED);
int err = MPI_Send(&iconverged, sizeof(int), MPI_INT, dest_rank, 1, mpi->comm);
CLOG(DEBUG, "Controller") << "sent converged status";
CLOG(DEBUG, "Controller") << "recieving converged status from rank " << src_rank << " with tag '1'";
int err = MPI_Recv(&iconverged, sizeof(iconverged), MPI_INT, src_rank, 1, mpi->comm, &stat);
CLOG(DEBUG, "Controller") << "recieved converged status from rank " << src_rank << " with tag '1': " << ((bool)iconverged == IStatus::CONVERGED);
and a grep on the logfiles of mpiexec -np 8 examples/advection_diffusion/mpi_pfasst --spatial_dofs 4096 --dt 0.01 --tend 2.56 --num_iter 30 --abs_res_tol 1e-10 -q yields:
The really weird mismatch of the blocking status communication is still there on the
-branch of PR #212.I put in some debug logging of the following in
and a grep on the logfiles of
mpiexec -np 8 examples/advection_diffusion/mpi_pfasst --spatial_dofs 4096 --dt 0.01 --tend 2.56 --num_iter 30 --abs_res_tol 1e-10 -q