Paratii-Video / paratii-player

Probably the world's 1st in-player token wallet (v0.0.1 of the Paratii embeddable web player).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Generatekey error running paratii player in playerJS tests helper #279

Closed geckoslair closed 7 years ago

geckoslair commented 7 years ago


Player doesn't work in playerJS tests helper

Steps to Reproduce:

go there:

and open devtools

Actual result:

Player doesn't work

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'generateKey' of undefined at Object.exports.generateKey (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :37392:27) at Object.generateKeyPair (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :74891:10) at Object.exports.generateKeyPair (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :74578:7) at waterfall (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :7903:25) at nextTask (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :2227:14) at exports.default (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :2237:5) at Function.exports.create (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :7902:3) at waterfall (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :114354:16) at nextTask (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :2227:14) at next (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :2234:9) at eval (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :11204:16) at db.get (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :22504:11) at dispatchError (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :37316:36) at eval (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :73712:14) at IDBRequest.req.onsuccess (eval at (VM996 jquery.js?hash=e5fc9cebb2e37c48ddfaf76e0ab0b77cb6ce6e52:395), :23601:19)

Expected result:

Paratii player has to work

jellegerbrandy commented 7 years ago

depends on #236

geckoslair commented 7 years ago

this bug seems to be mysteriously fixed ...