Paratii-Video / paratii-player

Probably the world's 1st in-player token wallet (v0.0.1 of the Paratii embeddable web player).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Nasty issue when a user is parked on the player page #305

Open geckoslair opened 7 years ago

geckoslair commented 7 years ago

We have uncouple video element from meteor instance, it seems to be a bad idea, i'll deepen.

geckoslair commented 7 years ago


It seems that after a while that a user stay on the player page the browser crash for some reason. Possibile causes:

ya7ya commented 7 years ago

@geckoslair This is probably because of IPFS, there are some memory and performance fixes in the upcoming release 👍

felipegaucho commented 6 years ago

This is something I haven't came across lately, but heard from some people is still hapenning. Would there be something we can take out of Mux ("broken player rates") that helps us measure it?

jellegerbrandy commented 6 years ago

i cannot reproducte this anymore (seen it some months ago last time). Did any of you guys see this recently? If so, can you provide info about which browser/which url/after how long it happens?

(x felipe:crashes are very difficult to get reports about, because, well, the software that is supposed to do the reporting has just crashed :-) - so you need other ways to get the info )