Proof of View is the name of the logic and associated smart contract employed by Paratii at a given time to measure audience as efficiently/transparently as possible while avoiding redundant transaction costs and privacy violation.
The high level idea we're working upon so far can be consulted here (tools to be thought of are many: client-side caching, periodic broadcasts, even state channels...). What is needed:
[ ] Design architectural models for "bundling" views.
[ ] Define specs.
[ ] Write a prototype contract.
[ ] Optimize the design and the contract to lower costs (some suggested reference for gas costs per opcode: sheet here)
[ ] Implement an interface to the contract via the player or browser plugin.
Proof of View is the name of the logic and associated smart contract employed by Paratii at a given time to measure audience as efficiently/transparently as possible while avoiding redundant transaction costs and privacy violation.
The high level idea we're working upon so far can be consulted here (tools to be thought of are many: client-side caching, periodic broadcasts, even state channels...). What is needed: