Paratron / gamekit

Minimal, Promise/A based HTML5 canvas game engine
20 stars 4 forks source link

Is this still maintained? #5

Open karneaud opened 7 years ago

karneaud commented 7 years ago


stumbled across your framework and was wondering if this is still being maintained.

Paratron commented 7 years ago

Hi, gamekit is more of a learning / pet project of mine. I would not recommend using it for a serious game project. I never used it to write a game myself (no time, sadly) but have build a few effects for websites upon it.

I am trying to implement tilebased map renderings for oldscool games since forever but never came to finish it. I think you can safely consider this project as not maintained actively anymore altough I will be around to answer questions and would be happy if someone is willing to pick it up and work on it.

karneaud commented 7 years ago

@Paratron AWW MAAN! This is sad news. I was looking for a simple 2d html5canvas framework to do some prototyping and came across your framework which is very interesting the way you implemented it using promises with a requires syntax. I am familiar with the requirejs and think i would feel comfortable using it.

Usually I would use Phaser and was currently using P5JS but Phaser is just to bulky for what I want to do and P5JS really failed me with some of the basics such as "sprite" object implementations.

Would most definitely like to work on it however I'm not such of a guru but would still give it a shot.

I'm still considering using it for a simple 2 d mobile touch "musical simon says" kind of game I'm working on where I am trying to use "cue points" of an audio file to trigger animation of sprites to create patterns users must try to mimic using touch on mobile devices

Based on what I told me for the use case scenario is there anything I should be aware of

Browser support? Current bugs?

I'm @kendallarneaud on twitter if there is a way we can chat actively I'd like to try this for my project. Could prove useful

Paratron commented 7 years ago

Well you can definitly tool around with gamekit - some basic stuff is implemented. Otherwise I would suggest you to take a look at playgroundJS thats build by a friend of mine. He makes awesome games and his framework is battle-tested.

karneaud commented 7 years ago


Why I am attracted to your framework is that you use events on the actual sprite rather than general canvas which narrows down some of the logic used to detect touch to sprite identification scenarios.

playground is cool but your framework seems easier to follow and more module oriented

I'm definitely hoping you would be around for some Q&A as I am currently trying to draft up a prototype to test your framework out

Paratron commented 7 years ago

Sure thing - you can also contact me on skype (christian__engel) or telegram (@paratron) if you want to.