PardeeCenterDU / IFs-Issues-Tracking

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Series in DataDict table that are not in IFsHistSeries Table #213

Open tzhang852 opened 2 years ago

tzhang852 commented 2 years ago

i. There are a number of series listed in the DataDict table that do not have values stored in the IFsHistSeries. Are these series necessary/what is their purpose/should we pull data for these series? ii. 6/29/2022

The list is can be found in the following text file: missing.txt

PardeeCenterIFs commented 2 years ago

They don't have values? or the table doesn't exist? I would be surprised if we had any tables with no values. If the table doesn't exist in ifsHistSeries.mdb, then I think the row in DataDict.mdb is not necessary, probably a mistake, maybe the table changed name, it would be interesting to check if there are tables in ifsHistSeries.mdb that don't have a matching row in DataDict.mdb.

tzhang852 commented 2 years ago

The table themselves don't exist in IFsHistSeries. I wanted to double check if any of these were necessary or what they might be used for. There are additional tables that are in IFsHist that are not in datadict either. Here is the full script that can be run to produce the two lists.

PardeeCenterIFs commented 2 years ago

There is also an option in the extended features of IFs where you can get this information, "Validate ifsHistSeries vs DataDict", and currently produces the following info:

Validation ifsHistSeries vs DataDict List of missing tables in ifsHistSeries: - 6 Tables. SeriesForecastInfraGDP5yravgHughes SeriesForecastPopMediumFemaleUNPDe SeriesLandInlandWaterGFNcorine SeriesForecastFertilityHighUNPD2015ANN SeriesKNIndexTotal SeriesPCIndexTotal

List of missing definitions in DataDict: - 85 Definitions. DataEdit Series1Autoc SeriesAgFishAquaOtherOld SeriesAgFishProdAquaInland1 SeriesAgFishProdAquaMarine1 SeriesAgFishProdCatchInland1 SeriesAgFishProdCatchMarine1 SeriesAGFishProductionFAO1 SeriesAGMeatDomesticSupplyFAO1 SeriesAgPesticideUse SeriesCorpForeignAffils SeriesCorpParentCorps SeriesCrimesDrugPossessionUse SeriesDiploIGOWeightMaxStandardized SeriesEmigTertiaryEdu%Total SeriesEnConTotalWDIOld SeriesEnElecAccess%National_olf SeriesEnElecConsPerCapOld SeriesEnElecShrEnDemOlder SeriesEnElecTotalCapacityEIAWEstimation SeriesEnElecTransLoss%WEstimation SeriesEnProdElecOld SeriesEnProdElecWEstimation SeriesEnProdOilDistillationCapacityEIA SeriesEnProdWoodFuel SeriesEnReserCoalEIA SeriesEnvEcolFootprintBuiltLdTen SeriesForecastFertilityHighUNPD2015RevANN SeriesForecastPopMediumFemaleUNPD SeriesGDP1995PPPWDIFilledWrongWDI2013 SeriesGDP2000IMFThrough2015 SeriesGDP2000WDI SeriesGDP2005 Pre Dec 2012 SeriesGDP2005 through 2013 SeriesGDP2011PCPPPOld SeriesGDP2011PCPPPWDI2015 SeriesGDP95Thru97 SeriesGDPGrowthRatePreApril2016 SeriesGDPInformal% SeriesGEMOld SeriesGovtCurRev%GDPOld SeriesGovtEdPub%GDPOld SeriesGovtHl%GDPOld SeriesGovWBMatPolStab SeriesGovWBMatRuleLaw SeriesGovWBMatVoiceAcct SeriesHealthHIVPrevWHOper1000000 SeriesHealthRateChilMortFemale SeriesHealthRateChilMortMale SeriesHealthRateChilMortTotal SeriesICTBroadbandFixedCountITU2011 SeriesICTBroadbandMobileSubsPer100New SeriesICTBroadbandSubscribersPer100ITUNew SeriesICTBroadbandSubscribersPer100ITUold SeriesICTBuyOnlineFirmIU3IndividualEStat SeriesICTExport%ExpOld SeriesICTImport%ImpOld SeriesICTTelephoneCellSubsCountITU2011 SeriesIncBelow1D%PovCalTotExt2003 SeriesIncBelow2Dollar%WDI2011Old SeriesInfraGDP5yravgHughesForecast SeriesKyotoSignStatusNonNum SeriesLaborAg% SeriesLaborInd% SeriesLaborInformal%TotalAll SeriesLaborSer% SeriesLandInlandWatersGFNcorine SeriesMilExp%GDPWDI SeriesPolityAutocOld SeriesPolityDemocOld SeriesPopulationUrban%186 SeriesRoadsPaved%Old SeriesRoadsPaved%Older SeriesRoadsPaved%WDI2012Cleaned SeriesRoadsTotalNetworkKmWDi2012Cleaned SeriesRoadsTotalNetworkolder SeriesSFFundforPeaceIndex_Old SeriesTaxExportDuties%Exp SeriesTaxGoodSer%CurRevOld SeriesTaxImportDuties%Imp SFAllBlanks SFAllBlanks19602010 SFAllZeros Table1 Table2