PardeeCenterDU / IFs-Issues-Tracking

This repository only holds the list of bugs that have been reported for IFs. Anyone may add a bug report, but please look to see if your issue has already been added!
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Online flexible display - Line graph only shows Europe when Africa & Europe are both selected for Urban Pop hist & forecasts #225

Open collinmeisel opened 1 year ago

collinmeisel commented 1 year ago

Screenshot (233) Screenshot (231) Screenshot (232)

Short Description of the Error / Restate of the title: In the online version's flexible display, the line graph only shows Europe when Africa & Europe are both selected for Urban Pop hist & forecasts

Date found: September 7, 2022

IFs Version (number, VB6/.NET, Install/Development): Online version, IFs 7.89

Person found by: Jonathan

Type of error: GUI bug

Description of error: In the online version's flexible display, the line graph only shows Europe when Africa & Europe are both selected for Urban Pop hist & forecasts. Replicated on Jonathan, Collin, and a client's machines separately.

Steps to replicate the error, if applicable: Go to online version, select Africa as a group and Europe as a separate group, select the urban population forecast, then select the line graph.

Attempt to recreate error in VB6 or .NET depending on where found and note whether error reproducible: The installation version of VB6 7.88 seems fine.

Screen shot of error message or anything else that is relevant: attached