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preprocessors on labor #279

Open quciet opened 3 months ago

quciet commented 3 months ago

The data team is trying to update some data from the ILO. We noticed that one preprocessor LaborWageSexRatio, has not been updated for a while. Based on its coverage and definition, I think this table was calculated. During the search, I found following tables in IFsHistSeries. I put them under 2 groups and I have some follow up questions. Group1- LaborWageAvgMonthly, LaborWageAvgMonthlyFemale ,LaborWageAvgMonthlyMale, LaborWageSexRatio Group2- LaborWageMeanNominalFemale, LaborWageMeanNominalMale, LaborWageMeanNominalTotal, WageRatio

  1. Can we delete all 4 tables in the group 2? They are relatively outdated and not being used by the model (correct me if I’m wrong here).

  2. In terms of wage ratio, do we want monthly wage or hourly? There are way too many options from ILO. Specifically, I suggest we use “Average monthly earnings of employees by sex and economic activity”. Thus, updating the first 3 tables in the group 1 and we can calculate values for table LaborWageSexRatio. image

  3. For the first 3 tables in the group 1. Does unit matter? At the moment, we are pulling data in using local currency, other options are 2017 ppp$ or U.S. dollars. I think since only the wage ratio is being used as the preprocessor, it won’t really matter?


Here is another question regarding the labor data preprocessors. In IFs, we see that we have data on formal vs informal employment and formal vs informal vs HH sectors. However, reading the documentation from ILO Stat, we find out that while it is easy to identify total informal labor and households informal labor, we cannot find enough evident to separate formal and informal sectors from their databases. Thus, we won’t be able to find the informal employment under the formal sector nor the informal employment under the informal sector. What do we do?

Let me know what you think!

PardeeCenterIFs commented 4 weeks ago
  1. I found that LaborWageSexRatio is being used in the code, in the initialization of LABWAGESEXRAT (Population.Rebuild.vb).