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Too many fish types & other data related questions #330

Open quciet opened 3 months ago

quciet commented 3 months ago

Hi all,

I'm reading the Agriculture documentation on WIKI while looking at all the fish related preprocessors in IFs. I have some questions, and I'm hoping maybe you have an answer for me...

So fish data are mainly from two sources- FAO's FoodBalanceSheet (FBS) and FAO's FishStat.

I get the part that we initialize fish production from FishStat because it separates fish production into wild caught and aquaculture production. But why do we have to separate fish into 9 different types? Do we simply add them up to get the total production, or are there other things going on with these individual fish types? Below are 9 fish types we pulled from FishStat.

AgFishAquaProdAqAnimalsFSJ AgFishAquaProdAqPlantsFSJ AgFishAquaProdCephalopodsFSJ AgFishAquaProdCrustaceansFSJ AgFishAquaProdDemersalFSJ AgFishAquaProdFreshwaterFSJ AgFishAquaProdMarineFSJ AgFishAquaProdMolluscsFSJ AgFishAquaProdPelagicFSJ

No onto my next question, my understanding is that fish data from FBS serve several purposes- total production/trade/usage/calorie. But why do we, again, separate fish into following 12 categories?

AgFishExportsAqAnimalsFAO AgFishExportsAqPlantsFAO AgFishExportsBodyOilFAO AgFishExportsCephalopodsFAO AgFishExportsCrustaceansFAO AgFishExportsDemersalFAO AgFishExportsFreshwaterFAO AgFishExportsLiverOilFAO AgFishExportsMarineFAO AgFishExportsMealFAO AgFishExportsMolluscsFAO AgFishExportsPelagicFAO

In addition, you can see that these 12 types are not completely consistent with the 9 types from FishStat. We have 3 extra types, namely liver oil, body oil, and meal??? I think that might be a mislabeling, because FBS only has following types. I think Meal might be referring to Meat, Aquatic Mammals? Furthermore, taking body oil and liver oil are just double counting the total production, unless these two are not being used for aggregation and are being used for other reasons.

Freshwater Fish Demersal Fish Pelagic Fish Marine Fish, Other Crustaceans Cephalopods Molluscs, Other Aquatic Animals, Others Meat, Aquatic Mammals Aquatic Plants

Ok, those are my complaints.

I'm thinking, if we indeed need to separate fish into wild caught and aquaculture production for modeling reasons, we can do that. Wouldn't it be easier just to have total production of wild caught and aquaculture (2 tables) instead of production from individual fish types (16 tables) in the code of initialization? I'm happy to keep updating those individual fish tables since those are mostly being handled by my python script. But I think having a data table that represents the sum of all fish types makes the vetting process much easier, and our model code clearer.

In terms of production/trade, and other tables from FBS, I assume we can get rid of body oil and liver oil unless they are being used by other parts of the model.

Any thoughts/suggestions?