Parexy / Multiplayer

Zetrith's Multiplayer mod for RimWorld
MIT License
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Desync on combat after time passes #39

Open Purplemen101 opened 5 years ago

Purplemen101 commented 5 years ago

Playing a game with one friend where I'm the host and he's joining me. He has my mod files and we have the same mods and load orders. All my mods should be multiplayer compatible except misc. training's archery, which is supposedly bugged according to the list. My friend and I are desyncing after two conditions are met: First, the game has been running for a decent amount of time. I'm not sure what it is, but the desync doesn't happen on fresh saves. Secondly, the desync itself occurs whenever we enter any form of combat. On one save, it was a prison break that, when the prisoner hit the door to escape, it would desync my friend. After abandoning that save, on the next, I would desync (but not him) after we entered conflict past an hour or so in, but not him. On this most recent save, we've put multiple hours in it with no problems, thinking we'd fixed the issue, but just now we entered combat with some mechanoids and it caused both of us to desync. Reloaded, entered combat with ostriches this time, we both desync. I had us resync our mod files just out of curiosity, and then I was the only one desyncing.

Per discord recommendations, we tried deleting core and validating cache, which at first appeared to do nothing (I was still desyncing but not him). I then ran the game with just me and The Arbiter, and I was able to pass the scenario without desyncing. Then, trying to force a desync, I reloaded the original save, had my friend join, and we entered combat, expecting a desync, instead, we were able to play without issue. Not sure if related to me running solo with The Arbiter.

We just had another raid occur, where when we got hit, it desynced us both. I ran past the first few hits with just me and The Arbiter, had my friend join, and then we both desynced. So I ran through the entire combat just me and The Arbiter with no issues.

On Discord, we initially thought that this may be related to the issue where AMD processors were having tick issues, but that doesn't seem to be the case for me, as there is no fall-behind, only desyncs.

It doesn't seem to be just any combat though. I just went into combat with a wild Ibex Doe and no desync. We just got hit with another raid, no desync. However, it always triggers on combat.

Unfortunately, I don't have the desync files from the beginning, only the most recent events. Desync-18 is from when I was desyncing but not my friend. The most recent batch of 19-23 is from the most recent event where we were both desyncing. Unfortunately, I don't have the saves to test if, now that I've run through the event successfully with The Arbiter, if going through it with my friend would be successful, as it seemingly was before. I was hoping to use the most recent raid to test, but we didn't desync.

If any other information is needed or wanted, please let me know.

MilanDierick commented 5 years ago

@Purplemen101 Is it possible to send a save file that will desync when a certain event happens? For example, where the prisoner hit the door, it desynced. Would it desync again when you reloaded the save? Are the desyncs repeatable? It would help us a lot to pinpoint the problem if you could send us a save file that we can open up and desync by following exact instructions by you.

Purplemen101 commented 5 years ago

@MilanDierick The desyncs are repeatable and loading the save file consistently resulted in desyncs if not run alone with The Arbiter. When I get home I’ll upload a save file if I have one and if not I’ll try to play to generate one tonight. I imagine I should also attach my mod list and mod files to go with it?

MilanDierick commented 5 years ago

@Purplemen101 Attaching your mod list and mod files is not necessary, as long as you downloaded them through the Steam Workshop. If not, then please do provide them.