Parik27 / GTAAudioMetadataTool

Audio Metadata <-> JSON converter made by misusing C++ templates.
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Can't get a SOUNDS.DAT15 working #1

Open BrynnaDaRosa opened 11 months ago

BrynnaDaRosa commented 11 months ago

All my GAME.DAT16 edits have gone just fine. But i can't get any sounds working in-game as defined. Just empty radio static. Converting the resulting dat files back only reveals the loss of the Header fields which i suppose is inconsequential? image

When I threw an existing track (1979) into the tracklist, it plays it just fine. It's either the sounds.dat or my audio files, but there seems to be wrong with those... at least compared to the audio in the one working addon radio example there is.


EDIT: crossreferencing in RAGEAT a deeply unpleasant program it appears as though the runtimes for each song are completely breaking upon compiling. I'm not even sure which field is supposed to be the runtime in the JSON which is why i directly used songs with similar runtimes for each song and simply renaming. EDIT 2: it appears as though decompiling and recompiling a vanilla basegame IV sounds.dat breaks the bulk of the audio.