ParisNeo / lollms-webui

Lord of Large Language Models Web User Interface
Apache License 2.0
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persona "Pc operator" dbug error. #490

Closed ediweber closed 5 months ago

ediweber commented 5 months ago

Hi there, I really like the idea of the pc operator persona. However I am stuck while trying to make it ruin my pc ;-)

Here is the error msg:

--> Step started:Planning operation Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\lol9\lollms-webui\zoos\personalities_zoo\control\pc_operator\scripts\processon plan = self.plan_with_images(prompt, [sc_path], ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "e:\lol9\lollms-webui\lollms_core\lollms\", line 2385, in plan_withs gen = self.generate_with_images(prompt, images, max_answer_length).strip().replace(") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "e:\lol9\lollms-webui\lollms_core\lollms\", line 1846, in generate_s return self.personality.generate_with_images(prompt, images, max_size, temperature, ) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError: AIPersonality.generate_with_images() got multiple values for argument 'debug'

--> Step ended:Planning operation Finished executing the workflow

I hope you can help. I really want pc operator to take over my PC ;-)

ParisNeo commented 5 months ago

Thanks for pointing out this problem.

The pc operator persona requires using GPT4-vision model. It is the only model capable of doing this (for now). Other models like llava or backllava are not yet up to the task :)

They will probably become better over time.