ParkMyCar / compact_str

A memory efficient string type that can store up to 24* bytes on the stack
MIT License
553 stars 41 forks source link

Dual License with MIT and Apache 2.0 #343

Open ParkMyCar opened 7 months ago

ParkMyCar commented 7 months ago

Switching this library to a dual license model of MIT and Apache 2.0 to follow other open source crates in the Rust ecosystem would be nice.

Kijewski commented 7 months ago

Since MIT licensed software can be relicensed as Apache 2.0, you can just do that.

The "MIT OR Apache-2.0" model is liked by many open source products, because the user of the library can choose to use MIT license (effectively: do what you want, but don't sue me if my software kills your hamster), but contributers have to adhere to the Apache 2.0 license, which includes a patent grant.