I'm unable to load the .graphml file output from Vite in Panorama. I get the above error (details below), and I have tinkered with my inputs in Premessa and Grappolo in a number of ways. I have also tried with and without metadata, as well as another set of FCS files to determine if a file is corrupt (neither seem to resolve the issue).
I've noticed that while Grappolo allows me to select parameters I want used to cluster, Vite does not allow me to select parameters for the analysis and runs only when no markers are selected.
Could this be a problem with the Vite package? I have existing .graphml files that can be visualized using Panorama so perhaps this is an issue with the Vite package.
I'm unable to load the .graphml file output from Vite in Panorama. I get the above error (details below), and I have tinkered with my inputs in Premessa and Grappolo in a number of ways. I have also tried with and without metadata, as well as another set of FCS files to determine if a file is corrupt (neither seem to resolve the issue).
I've noticed that while Grappolo allows me to select parameters I want used to cluster, Vite does not allow me to select parameters for the analysis and runs only when no markers are selected.
Could this be a problem with the Vite package? I have existing .graphml files that can be visualized using Panorama so perhaps this is an issue with the Vite package.
Listening on 12: execCallbacks(timeoutSecs, all) 11: run_now(timeoutMs/1000, all = FALSE) 10: service(timeout) 9: serviceApp() 8: ..stacktracefloor..(serviceApp()) 7: withCallingHandlers(expr, error = doCaptureStack) 6: globals$domain$wrapSync(expr) 5: promises::with_promise_domain(createStackTracePromiseDomain(), expr) 4: captureStackTraces({ while (!.globals$stopped) { ..stacktracefloor..(serviceApp()) Sys.sleep(0.001) } }) 3: ..stacktraceoff..(captureStackTraces({ while (!.globals$stopped) { ..stacktracefloor..(serviceApp()) Sys.sleep(0.001) } })) 2: shiny::runApp(appDir = file.path(system.file(package = "vite"), "shinyGUI"), ...) 1: vite::vite_GUI() Warning: Error in data.frame: arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 2 103: stop 102: data.frame 101: cbind 100: cbind 99: panorama:::graph_to_json 98: <reactive:output$graphui_mainnet> [/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/library/panorama/shinyGUI/server/tab_graph.R#218] 82: output$graphui_mainnet 3:
1: panorama