Combine (cross) two teams:
For each link in one team, check every link in the other team for compatibility. Pick a random compatible link pair, merge the two limbs and recalculate the tx’s on the shorter limb. Fail if no links are compatible.
Link L1 is compatible to L2 if:
L1Src ProtoModule::has_link_to() == true on L2Src or L2Dst on respective dst chain and dst terminus
L1Dst same condition
Combine (cross) two teams: For each link in one team, check every link in the other team for compatibility. Pick a random compatible link pair, merge the two limbs and recalculate the tx’s on the shorter limb. Fail if no links are compatible. Link L1 is compatible to L2 if: L1Src ProtoModule::has_link_to() == true on L2Src or L2Dst on respective dst chain and dst terminus L1Dst same condition