Parskatt / DKM

[CVPR 2023] DKM: Dense Kernelized Feature Matching for Geometry Estimation
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With Synthetic Dataset Training Codes #7

Closed TWJianNuo closed 1 year ago

TWJianNuo commented 1 year ago


While trying to rerpduce the results using Mega + Synthetic Dataset using "", I notice that in the training code, model is set to be DKM (version 1), in Line 31-33. Does this indicate the training scripts "" is designed for DKM (v1). Or the scripts are suitable for both versions?


Parskatt commented 1 year ago

Hi again. I no longer recommend training with synthetic data. We mainly did this for comparison with PDCNet. I will push an indoor version which is trained on megadepth + scannet, which we found to work the best.

Parskatt commented 1 year ago

Also, apologies for things not being consistent, the code is still in active development and the public version may change over time.

Parskatt commented 1 year ago

@TWJianNuo The training is now updated for DKMv2, including scannet training. For scannet you need to download the scannet dataset and indices (see Note that we only used every 10 frames, since the full scannet dataset is extremely large.

TWJianNuo commented 1 year ago

Ahh... I am confused. May I double-check the following facts:

For DKM:

While in the LoFTR paper, they:

In the curret Arxiv paper: Tab.1 is the results from DKM v1, trained on MegaDepth or MegaDepth + Synthetic? Tab.4 is also the results from DKM v1 but only trained on MegaDepth Dataset


Parskatt commented 1 year ago

@TWJianNuo yes, the pre print contains our previous approach with synthetic data and is not up to date. We are continously improving the approach and will soon (in around a month) release an updated preprint. Im dorry if this complicates any reproducing from your part.

TWJianNuo commented 1 year ago

Not at all! I really appreciate your prompt reply and well-maintained codebase!
