Parskatt / DeDoDe

[3DV 2024 Oral] DeDoDe 🎶 Detect, Don't Describe --- Describe, Don't Detect, for Local Feature Matching
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about ‘prep_scene_info’ #23

Closed wangerniuniu closed 10 months ago

wangerniuniu commented 10 months ago

Hello, I am experiencing an issue while training DeDoDe. I am receiving the following error message: "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/ubuntu/DATASET/MegaDepth/prep_scene_info/detections/detections_0275.npy'". However, the prep_scene_info folder that I downloaded does not contain a detections folder. Can you please help me understand the source of this problem?

Parskatt commented 10 months ago

Have you ran this:

Parskatt commented 10 months ago

In that script the 3D points might be missing, let me know if you face any additional issues and I can update it.

wangerniuniu commented 10 months ago

Thank you for your answer. May I ask where can I download undistorted MegaDepth? Currently, the Google Drive link provided by D2-Net is no longer valid. Do I have to create it myself? However, it is quite large, with over 600GB of SFM files.

Parskatt commented 10 months ago

Yes unfortunately. You can do it for just a few scenes as debug to start with.

You may be interested in looking at loftrs github issues to see if others have the same issue. There might be a solution Im not aware of.

wangerniuniu commented 10 months ago

Thank you for your response. Your help is greatly appreciated!