Parsl / parsl

Parsl - a Python parallel scripting library
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CI testing on OS X #3189

Open benclifford opened 1 month ago

benclifford commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. GitHub actions supports OS X, but our CI does not test there. That means we often find problems have been introduced accidentally as users come to try to use Parsl.

Describe the solution you'd like Someone who has a working Parsl install on their OS X system could make our CI workflow also run on OS X. That would probably be based on the existing CI workflow, to test similar things, but probably not everything as I think some components are not expected to work on OS X.

That would involve making a new draft PR and working on the github actions yaml there, in a similar way to the work in PR #3159

Describe alternatives you've considered drop any pretence at supporting os x

Additional context If you are on outreachy, please don't attempt this without a confirmed assignment: we only have capacity to mentor one student on this.

mercybassey commented 1 month ago

Hi @benclifford I'm interested in contributing to this issue, especially given my ongoing work on PR #3159 related to CI enhancements. However, I've encountered a test failure in my current PR that might need your review before proceeding further.

Can I take on this while I wait for your review?

Xiayucheng1212 commented 1 month ago

Hello @benclifford, I am a Outreachy applicant. I am very interested in solving this issue. This can be my first PR for Outreachy, could you please assign this to me?

benclifford commented 1 month ago

@Xiayucheng1212 ideally you would have worked through issue #3105, ideally on an OS X system first, so that you have a known working OS X install to compare against.

Xiayucheng1212 commented 1 month ago

@Xiayucheng1212 ideally you would have worked through issue #3105, ideally on an OS X system first, so that you have a known working OS X install to compare against.

I have gone through the #3105 on OS X already, and it passed make flake8, make htex_local_alternate_test and make local_thread_test. What should be my next step?

EjiroLaurelD commented 1 month ago

Hello @benclifford May I work on this please? I have some experience working with CI pipelines.

benclifford commented 1 month ago

crossreference #3208 - that bug will be relevant to this feature request.

benclifford commented 1 month ago

@Xiayucheng1212 @mercybassey feel free to work on this too, but be aware there are others working on it so pay attention to what each other is doing to understand the problems you're discovering.