ParthJadhav / Tkinter-Designer

An easy and fast way to create a Python GUI 🐍
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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tkdesigner gui file is not working #407

Open AakashJayant opened 1 month ago

AakashJayant commented 1 month ago

this code shows me error : import webbrowser import re import sys import os import tkinter as tk import tkinter.messagebox as tk1 import tkinter.filedialog from pathlib import Path

Add tkdesigner to path

sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(file).resolve().parent.parent)) try: from tkdesigner.designer import Designer except ModuleNotFoundError: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't add tkdesigner to the PATH.")

Path to asset files for this GUI window.

ASSETS_PATH = Path(file).resolve().parent / "assets"

Required in order to add data files to Windows executable

path = getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', os.getcwd()) os.chdir(path)

output_path = ""

def btn_clicked(): token = token_entry.get() URL = URL_entry.get() output_path = path_entry.get() output_path = output_path.strip()

if not token:
        title="Empty Fields!", message="Please enter Token.")
if not URL:
        title="Empty Fields!", message="Please enter URL.")
if not output_path:
        title="Invalid Path!", message="Enter a valid output path.")

match =
    r'[0-9A-Za-z]+)', URL.strip())
if match is None:
        "Invalid URL!", "Please enter a valid file URL.")

file_key = match[1].strip()
token = token.strip()
output = Path(f"{output_path}/build").expanduser().resolve()

if output.exists() and not output.is_dir():
        f"{output} already exists and is not a directory.\n"
        "Enter a valid output directory.")
elif output.exists() and output.is_dir() and tuple(output.glob('*')):
    response = tk1.askyesno(
        f"Directory {output} is not empty.\n"
        "Do you want to continue and overwrite?")
    if not response:

designer = Designer(token, file_key, output)

    "Success!", f"Project successfully generated at {output}.")

def select_path(): global output_path

output_path = tk.filedialog.askdirectory()
path_entry.delete(0, tk.END)
path_entry.insert(0, output_path)

def know_more_clicked(event): instructions = ( "" "blob/master/docs/") webbrowser.open_new_tab(instructions)

def make_label(master, x, y, h, w, *args, **kwargs): f = tk.Frame(master, height=h, width=w) f.pack_propagate(0) # don't shrink, y=y)

label = tk.Label(f, *args, **kwargs)
label.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)

return label

window = tk.Tk() logo = tk.PhotoImage(file=ASSETS_PATH / "iconbitmap.gif")'wm', 'iconphoto', window._w, logo) window.title("Tkinter Designer")

window.geometry("862x519") window.configure(bg="#3A7FF6") canvas = tk.Canvas( window, bg="#3A7FF6", height=519, width=862, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, relief="ridge"), y=0) canvas.create_rectangle(431, 0, 431 + 431, 0 + 519, fill="#FCFCFC", outline="")

text_box_bg = tk.PhotoImage(file=ASSETS_PATH / "TextBox_Bg.png") token_entry_img = canvas.create_image(650.5, 167.5, image=text_box_bg) URL_entry_img = canvas.create_image(650.5, 248.5, image=text_box_bg) filePath_entry_img = canvas.create_image(650.5, 329.5, image=text_box_bg)

token_entry = tk.Entry(bd=0, bg="#F6F7F9",fg="#000716", highlightthickness=0), y=137+25, width=321.0, height=35) token_entry.focus()

URL_entry = tk.Entry(bd=0, bg="#F6F7F9", fg="#000716", highlightthickness=0), y=218+25, width=321.0, height=35)

path_entry = tk.Entry(bd=0, bg="#F6F7F9", fg="#000716", highlightthickness=0), y=299+25, width=321.0, height=35)

path_picker_img = tk.PhotoImage(file = ASSETS_PATH / "path_picker.png") path_picker_button = tk.Button( image = path_picker_img, text = '', compound = 'center', fg = 'white', borderwidth = 0, highlightthickness = 0, command = select_path, relief = 'flat') x = 783, y = 319, width = 24, height = 22)

canvas.create_text( 490.0, 156.0, text="Token ID", fill="#515486", font=("Arial-BoldMT", int(13.0)), anchor="w") canvas.create_text( 490.0, 234.5, text="File URL", fill="#515486", font=("Arial-BoldMT", int(13.0)), anchor="w") canvas.create_text( 490.0, 315.5, text="Output Path", fill="#515486", font=("Arial-BoldMT", int(13.0)), anchor="w") canvas.create_text( 646.5, 428.5, text="Generate", fill="#FFFFFF", font=("Arial-BoldMT", int(13.0))) canvas.create_text( 573.5, 88.0, text="Enter the details.", fill="#515486", font=("Arial-BoldMT", int(22.0)))

title = tk.Label( text="Welcome to Tkinter Designer", bg="#3A7FF6", fg="white",justify="left", font=("Arial-BoldMT", int(20.0))), y=120.0) canvas.create_rectangle(25, 160, 33 + 60, 160 + 5, fill="#FCFCFC", outline="")

info_text = tk.Label( text="Tkinter Designer uses the Figma API\n" "to analyse a design file, then creates\n" "the respective code and files needed\n" "for your GUI.\n\n"

"Even this GUI was created\n"
"using Tkinter Designer.",
bg="#3A7FF6", fg="white", justify="left",
font=("Georgia", int(16.0))), y=200.0)

know_more = tk.Label( text="Click here for instructions", bg="#3A7FF6", fg="white",justify="left", cursor="hand2"), y=400) know_more.bind('', know_more_clicked)

generate_btn_img = tk.PhotoImage(file=ASSETS_PATH / "generate.png") generate_btn = tk.Button( image=generate_btn_img, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, command=btn_clicked, relief="flat"), y=401, width=180, height=55)

window.resizable(False, False) window.mainloop()

the error message is :

Exception has occurred: RuntimeError Couldn't add tkdesigner to the PATH. File "D:\Projects\Tkinter Dashbard TUT\Tkinter-Designer-master\gui\", line 13, in from tkdesigner.designer import Designer File "D:\Projects\Tkinter Dashbard TUT\Tkinter-Designer-master\tkdesigner\", line 2, in from tkdesigner.figma.frame import Frame File "D:\Projects\Tkinter Dashbard TUT\Tkinter-Designer-master\tkdesigner\figma\", line 2, in from ..utils import download_image File "D:\Projects\Tkinter Dashbard TUT\Tkinter-Designer-master\tkdesigner\", line 5, in from PIL import Image ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

File "D:\Projects\Tkinter Dashbard TUT\Tkinter-Designer-master\gui\", line 15, in raise RuntimeError("Couldn't add tkdesigner to the PATH.") RuntimeError: Couldn't add tkdesigner to the PATH.