The project structure is Java and integrated with 15 classes with a graphical interface
Project name: "Book Management Library"
This project aims to manage a digital library, where books can be added, searched, borrowed, and returned. The project will be designed to be organized and clear, principles of dynamic programming (OOP).
Description of classes and their functions:
Book: Represents an electronic book, New on properties such as: title, author, ISBN, publication date, and others.
Author: Represents an electronic writer, and patents on properties such as: name, nationality, date, and others.
Publisher: Represents a single publishing house, ownership on properties such as: name, title, new year, and others.
Library: Represents the entire library, and on the list of books and students.
Student: Represents a new student, and its properties such as: name, university number, department, list of borrowed books.
Borrowing: represents the process of borrowing a book, and can have properties such as: borrowing date, return date, student, book.
Return: represents the process of returning a book, and properties such as: return date, student, book.
Search: contains methods for searching for books by title, author, or ISBN.
AddBook: contains new methods for new books in the library.
RemoveBook: contains methods for deleting books from the library.
BorrowBook: contains methods for borrowing books.
ReturnBook: contains methods for returning books.
LibraryGUI: graphical user interface that allows the user to interact with the system.
DatabaseConnection: securely connects to the database to protect permanent data.
Exceptions: contains all the exceptions that can occur in the program, such as: a book does not exist, or a student does not have access.
Class Compatibility Explanation:
• Book: Associated with Author and Publisher.
• Library: Contains a list of books and students.
• Student: Can borrow books, associated with a list of production and return operations.
• Borrow and return: Slave with Student and Book.
• User Interface: Interacts with all other classes to receive data and receive input from the user.
OOP Principles Used:
• Assignment: Each class represents a real object in the real world.
• Inheritance: New classes can be created that derive their properties from existing classes.
• Correspondent: Data within classes is protected, and can only be accessed through public methods.
• Multiple Objects: Different objects can respond to different types of objects.
The project structure is Java and integrated with 15 classes with a graphical interface Project name: "Book Management Library" This project aims to manage a digital library, where books can be added, searched, borrowed, and returned. The project will be designed to be organized and clear, principles of dynamic programming (OOP). Description of classes and their functions: