PartialVolume / shredos.x86_64

Shredos Disk Eraser 64 bit for all Intel 64 bit processors as well as processors from AMD and other vendors which make compatible 64 bit chips. ShredOS - Secure disk erasure/wipe
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ShredOS and Nwipe #276

Open Happy-Hardcore opened 2 weeks ago

Happy-Hardcore commented 2 weeks ago


Hello ShredOS and Nwipe creators.

Have fun with your projects and good luck.

I have some questions.

If I have erased a data carrier by overwriting it with Nwipe (possibly packaged in ShredOS) and if that has succeeded, is it still necessary to test the data carrier for: Bad Sectors/Damaged Blocks/or if a part of the data carrier is broken, or is it certain that the data carrier is not partially broken, and is a check whether the data carrier is partially broken not necessary?

How and where can I see in a report that the data carrier is not broken from Bad Sectors/Damaged Blocks/or if a part of the data carrier is not broken?

If you want to respond, would you please respond in easy and simple words?

Have a nice time. Kind regards, username Happy-Hardcore.


Hallo makers van ShredOS en Nwipe.

Veel plezier met jullie projecten en succes.

Ik heb wat vragen.

Als ik een gegevensdrager heb gewist door het te overschrijven met Nwipe (mogelijk verpakt in ShredOS) en als dat gelukt is, is het dan nog nodig om de gegevensdrager te testen op: Bad Sectors/Damaged blocks/of een gedeelte van de gegevensdrager kapot is, of is het zeker dat die gegevensdrager dan niet gedeeltelijk kapot is, en is een controle of de gegevensdrager gedeeltelijk kapot is niet nodig?

Hoe en waar kan ik in een rapport zien, dat de gegevensdrager niet kapot is van Bad Sectors/Damaged Blocks/een gedeelte van de gegevensdrager niet kapot is?

Als u wilt reageren, wilt u dan in makkelijke en simpele woorden reageren?

Een Prettige tijd. Met vriendelijke groeten, gebruikersnaam Happy-Hardcore.

fthobe commented 2 weeks ago

Sooo... there are some issues here: nwipe is not searching for bad sectors, but might indicate you in multiple ways that there are some present on your disk: 1) the pdf report created by nwipe lists reallocated_sector_ct (keep in mind that the values are not fully standardised), a value of 100 indicates usually that the disk itself doesn't believe that it has bad blocks, lower numbers usually indicate decay of the disk

2) if too many blocks can't be wiped it usually indicates a large quantity of bad blocks > indicates decay of the disk

If you have any of the problems listed above, a deep reformat using for example sg_format for SAS disks might help, otherwise decomission and destroy the disk physically as you can't warrant a full wipe.

In addition you can find with this link a good guide to check for bad blocks with appropriate tools.

fthobe commented 2 weeks ago

@Happy-Hardcore Also a better title would be: can I check for bad sectors with nwipe / shredos?