ParticleCore / Iridium

Iridium is an extension built to improve your YouTube experience
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Re-implement the Always Visible player #941

Closed JoshS-dev closed 4 months ago

JoshS-dev commented 4 months ago

It would be nice to re-introduce the player that continues showing the youtube video in the bottom-right of the screen as you scroll down into the comments. It used to be part of Iridium.

ParticleCore commented 4 months ago

The feature is progressing well:

However, the feature implementation has become more complex than the previous implementation largely due to the significant changes the new YT has compared to before.

Because of this I will probably not make it customizable since it would make it unacceptably complex. If I find a way to make it less complex I might consider revising this.

ParticleCore commented 4 months ago

Finalizing the feature implementation and testing some odd scenarios. Wondering if the feature description will be sufficiently clear to explain what it does, and how it can be moved image

JoshS-dev commented 4 months ago

In my personal opinion its a little wordy, I would go with "The player will become a mini player in the bottom-right corner [once the player is no longer in focus/if it is scrolled past/when it is not on the screen/if one scrolls down to the comments]"

Though honestly, yours is still workable.

ParticleCore commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion, it inspired me to improve it into this one. I think it is much better now.
