ParticleCore / Iridium

Iridium is an extension built to improve your YouTube experience
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Shorts in the video page #981

Open Jinsgo opened 2 months ago

Jinsgo commented 2 months ago

Hello. Congratulations on your extension, it's working really well!

I noticed that the site had a section dedicated to shorts. I was wondering if it was also possible to remove the shorts suggestions from the video page (framed in red on the screenshot). Capture d'écran 2024-04-30 125209

It seems that the code that manages this carousel is this: Capture d'écran 2024-04-30 125628

Thanks for your work!

ParticleCore commented 2 months ago

Hi, sure thing, I actually planned on doing that from the start and completely forgot. Will address it in the next version update.

Jinsgo commented 2 months ago

Great! Thanks again 👍