Particular / ServiceInsight

Advanced debugging for NServiceBus
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Define, export and import named ServiceControl connections #1066

Open odelljl opened 3 years ago

odelljl commented 3 years ago

We support several ServiceControl instances in our environment.

To facilitate our use cases, it would be beneficial if:


This is somewhat related to Issue #998. I would suggest sorting on the Service Name.

OranguTech commented 2 years ago

Please, at the very least the ability to give human readable names to endpoints would get us like 80% of the benefits, perfect for a first-pass feature change.

We currently have to maintain a manually updated internal wiki entry of what endpoints are on what ports. We are currently at 16 entries.

HEskandari commented 2 years ago

@OranguTech I think what you are asking is different than this issue. This issue is about naming the connection to ServiceControl and not the endpoint.

Can you open a separate issue for it and elaborate on why the current implementation wouldn't work for you? Have you tried naming your endpoints like so?

OranguTech commented 2 months ago

@HEskandari - (I realize this is an older conversation)

I don't think so - this is about having human readable names in ServiceInsight, connecting to Service Control instances. See screenshot - which instance is that: Test1 that's part of our CI/CD path, a sandbox one that gets wiped every week, or Production?


I get the feeling that we must be set up in a way you're not expecting or missing some very important context, otherwise I'm mystified by the confusion or why this is much of a question on a long-term design decision - to me this is like asking why you'd want bookmarks/saved connections in a GUI SSH client, or why do we use DNS when ip addresses work just fine.